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Last Update: Sunday 19 February 2017

Sunday February 19 Full Program

Sunday February 19 Full Program

Barrie Cassidy and the panel dissect another messy week in politics. Josh Frydenberg joins us in our Melbourne studios. On the panel: The Australian's Niki Savva, news.com.au's Malcolm Farr and Fairfax's Mark Kenny.

A Messy Week

A Messy Week

The government's negotiating skills failed them again this week. They then got in a muddle over tax increases and then the party seemingly split over whether to cut capital gains tax concessions. Meanwhile Labor struggled to explain costings on its energy policy.

Josh Frydenberg joins Insiders

Josh Frydenberg joins Insiders

Barrie Cassidy interviews the Environment and Energy Minister Josh Frydenberg in our Melbourne studios.

The Big Deal

The Big Deal

The Liberal Party in Western Australia has decided to preference One Nation over the Nationals in the state's upper house in the upcoming election.

Talking Pictures

Talking Pictures

Mike Bowers is joined by The Australian's Strewth columnist James Jeffrey.

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