World News


  1. Two-state solution reality

    It is difficult to see how the two-state solution can move from rhetoric to reality, writes chief correspondent Philip Williams.

  2. Trump, NATO and Australia

    Russia's intervention in Syria and Islamic State are on the agenda with US Defence Secretary James Mattis in Brussels for NATO talks.

  3. Keeping up with the Kims

    The reported assassination of Kim Jong-nam is the latest episode in the long and bloody history of North Korea's Kim dynasty. Here's how the key players stack up.

  4. Russia-Trump team contacts

    Intelligence officer Malcolm Nance says there were red flags aplenty about contact with Russia well before Donald Trump won the US election.

  5. Flynn's high profile failings

    Michael Flynn's resignation follows the Obama administration relieving him of his position as Defence Intelligence chief for insubordination.

  6. 'No future for these kids'

    The six years of Syria's war is taking its toll, with the children living in the country's refugee camps struggling to get a proper education.

  7. Trump's crushing handshake

    America will remain strong so long as its leader keeps challenging others to resist his creepy, crushing handshake, writes Ben Pobjie.

  8. Fall of Singapore

    Remembering the pivotal WWII loss that marked the rise of the US-Australia strategic relationship.

  9. Massacre remembered

    Relatives and officials come together to remember the 22 nurses slaughtered in the Bangka Island massacre of World War II.

  10. Aleppo denials disputed

    A report rebuts Russian and Syrian claims that civilians were not deliberately targeted in the final attack on rebel-held Aleppo.

  11. Revenge of the immigrant

    The stories of Donald Trump, Alexander Hamilton and Lin Manuel Miranda intertwine more than you think, writes Sara James.

  12. Chinese influence in PNG

    With China lending PNG hundreds of millions of dollars for projects, Australia's defence and diplomatic communities are uneasy.

  13. Thailand's gun obsession

    Thailand's national Children's Day has come to represent a celebration of the country's military, but not everyone is on board.

  1. Immigration policy 'crime against humanity'

    Australia's offshore immigration detention centres could constitute a crime against humanity, according to a submission before the International Criminal Court.

    The Global Legal Action Network argues Australia's immigration policy constitutes an attack against the civilian population — something which could be classified as a crime against humanity under the Rome Statute.

  1. Remembering Ruby-Anne Laufa

    Papua New Guineans are in mourning after the shock death of a revered former Miss PNG winner.

  2. Toshiba earnings report delayed

    Toshiba may have reached the end of the road, with the Japanese company delaying a release of its earnings report.

  3. Whales popped 'like balloons'

    New Zealand authorities commence the clean-up of whales beached on Golden Bay.

  4. Quake strikes Philippines

    At least eight people are dead after a powerful earthquake strikes in the southern Philippines.