Officers respond to gymnasium for report of unruly fan: Gates Mills Police Blotter

Andy Attina / By Andy Attina / Sun News
on February 15, 2017 at 8:27 PM, updated February 15, 2017 at 8:30 PM
Gates Mills Police Car 2.jpg


Disturbance, Cedar Road:

Officers responded to Gilmour Academy Feb. 8 for a report of an unruly fan screaming at a referee during an unspecified sporting event. They found everything to be calm, but stood by until the crowd left after the game.

Traffic violation, Brigham Road:

A Chardon woman, 22, was found to be driving under suspension Feb. 5 after she was pulled over for speeding. She was cited for both offenses.

Theft, Kenwyn Place:

Officers responded to a residence Feb. 7 and took a report of a missing necklace, valued at $4,000. There were no signs of forced entry to the home but an investigation is underway.

Suspicious, Brigham Road:

Officers responded to a home at 10 a.m. Feb. 10 for a report of smoke coming from an unknown source. It was subsequently learned the smoke was coming from a furnace.

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