Darth Vader


Evil Orphan Ani™

Empire, CO
Unit: gener de 2007

@darthvader està blocat

Segur que vols veure aquests tuits? No es desblocarà @darthvader per mirar-te'ls.

  1. Retuitat per

    Lil explores the forests of starkiller base with his imaginary friend.

  2. Thankful Kylo takes after me instead of his grandmother.

  3. Search your feelings, you *know* it to be true.

  4. Impressive. *Most* impressive.

  5. The reviews are in but how good can a movie really be without your favorite Sith Lord in it?

  6. Violent desert dwellers kidnap saintly mother of galaxy’s wunderkind. Brought to justice.

  7. Darth Vader seguit , , i 9 més
    • @OuterHeaven_x

      Community managing mademoiselle . campaigner & VGM Queen. I breathe melodies ♫

    • @ameria_verimas

      Web developer, graphics artist, animator, person.

  8. Retuitat per

    My god reverse hyperspace blows my mind. It's incredible.

  9. Retuitat per

    RT Rh rhr raauuh: The Supreme Court rrhn aauurhh rhr nuuh, rrhn wahr raa'r aahrn ur raaugrr.

  10. To the haters: The Supreme Court just altered the deal, pray they don't alter it further.

  11. With a special appearance by your favorite Sith Lord -

  12. Palpatine / Vader 2016

  13. Celebrating Sitho de Mayo w/ the 501st today by blowing up a small rebel enclave. I love a good party.

  14. Arrived too late to witness my evil Empire trounce , but enjoyed my interview none-the-less

  15. I find your lack of gifts disturbing.

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