Daniel AndrewsCompte verificat


Premier of Victoria.

Melbourne, Australia
Unit: desembre de 2010
Va néixer el 06 de juliol

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Segur que vols veure aquests tuits? No es desblocarà @DanielAndrewsMP per mirar-te'ls.

  1. This is about changing a culture, and starting early.

  2. 25,867. That's how many more patients we'll be able to treat every year at Casey Hospital.

  3. We might not ever come across a Baw Baw Frog in the wild - but our grandchildren deserve the chance to.

  4. Victoria will use Friday’s COAG Health Council meeting to call for the ban on gay men donating blood to be lifted

  5. Tears of joy at news of toilet upgrades at Nepean Special School! Thanks !

  6. 73 new full time jobs in the Valley with the expansion of Victoria Valley Meats. First of many projects to create jobs + grow economy

  7. Proud to launch $35m emergency services volunteers package - inc new CFA trucks & $15m grants program available now.

  8. Our skyline already stands proud on its own two feet. But here's the latest addition: The Pantscraper.

  9. An Australian first, because everyone deserves to be accepted for who they are.

  10. Artistic Director , Festival staff, artists, + enter the ceremonial sand circle of Tanderrum

  11. You ignored every limitation and you overcame every obstacle. To our Paralympic heroes – welcome home.

  12. What a superstar Jaryd Clifford, Paralympic distance runner is. Welcomed home the awesome team w .

  13. A privilege to welcome home our Paralympians. Incredible role models who achieved great things in Rio.

  14. Take a look at Australia's first self-driving car. Developed right here in Victoria.

  15. Not to be missed - welcome our champions back -11 00 am Bourke St Mall

  16. If you're one of the 26,000 people who use Thompsons Road every day, you know it's a traffic nightmare. Well, not for long.

  17. Two level crossings will be gone and 2 new stations will stand in their place, 6 months ahead of schedule.

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