Labor and Employment Relations Association

"Jobs, Opportunity and Equality in the New World of Work"


LERA 69th Annual Meeting, June 1-4, 2017 | Pre-Conf: May 31, 2017
Hilton Anaheim, 777 Convention Way, Anaheim, CA 92802, USA


"Robust Labor Markets and Employment Relationships: Policy and Research"

LERA Winter Meeting 2018, January 5-7, 2018 | with ASSA/AEA
Philadelphia, PA


The Shattering Of An All American Town

Once a bustling factory town, Lancaster, Ohio, is now beset by unemployment, low wages and drug abuse. Brian Alexander chronicles the rise and fall of his hometown in his new book, 'Glass House.'




What is LERA?
The Labor and Employment Relations Association (LERA) is the singular organization in the country where professionals interested in all aspects of labor and employment relations network to share ideas and learn about new developments, issues, and practices in the field. Founded in 1947 as the Industrial Relations Research Association (IRRA), the National LERA provides a unique forum where the views of representatives of labor, management, government and academics, advocates and neutrals are welcome.


Member Projects