Capital gains tax hikes will put 'substantial upward pressure' on property prices

Andrew Schwartz says the change could lead to greater housing shortage and in turn "tremendous price growth".
Andrew Schwartz says the change could lead to greater housing shortage and in turn "tremendous price growth". Jessica Hromas

Cutting tax breaks on capital gains in property alone would push investment into other asset classes and ultimately push house prices higher, the property industry warned on Thursday.

Any change to the existing environment permitting tax breaks on negative gearing or capital gains tax deductions on property investments would quickly push prices lower, said Andrew Schwartz, the group managing director of debt and equity investor Qualitas.

"We would expect that any changes to the tax base, such as cuts to CGT exemptions or changes to negative gearing, would have a short term downward impact to prices as investors potentially look to switch asset classes," Mr Schwartz told The Australian Financial Review.

"However, in the medium term, it will put substantial upward pressure on all housing as new supply will be significantly reduced, leading to greater housing shortage and in turn tremendous price growth."

"I think that tax reforms must be treated in a wholesale manner," Ms Lloyd-Hurwitz told The Australian Financial Review.
"I think that tax reforms must be treated in a wholesale manner," Ms Lloyd-Hurwitz told The Australian Financial Review. Jessica Hromas

In isolation, however, changes to the capital gains tax deduction, which are being considered by the federal government as it grapples with its budget crisis to cut the 50 per cent tax break on capital gains from property, drew a more nuanced response than the property industry made to the opposition Labor Party's pledge to end negative gearing ahead of last year's federal election.

"I think that tax reforms must be treated in a wholesale manner," Mirvac chief executive Susan Lloyd-Hurwitz told The Australian Financial Review.

"There must be interaction between CGT and negative gearing...all the taxes that affect housing. There is a cry, and the cry of the Property Council indeed, that on reforms are handled more holistically, reforms are not without consequences."

The Property Council, the peak lobby group for the development industry last year said it supported a cut in the CGT discount to 40 per cent and a lengthening of the ownership period from the current 12 months to qualify for such a deduction.

On Thursday, the council said caution was needed and that a more drastic cut in the rate, such as to the 25 per cent Labor proposed would be akin to 'slamming the handbrake' on investment and housing production.

Source: Grattan Institute | Research: Fiona Buffini | Interactive: Les Hewitt
Paul Keating introduced a tax on capital gains in 1985. Before then, there was no general tax on capital gains in Australia. Until 1999, real capital gains, adjusted for inflation, were taxed at personal rates. John Howard, advised by businessman John Ralph, abolished indexation of capital gains, in 1999, and replaced it with a concession to tax 50 per cent of capital gains, to encourage greater investment in “innovative, high-growth companies”.
A short history of the capital gains tax
Bob Hawke & Paul Keating in 1985
These changes increased the attractiveness of negative gearing and since they started, in 1999, the number of people making losses on residential property has doubled.
Net rents have been negative since the introduction of the CGT discount.
Most capital gains are earned by those on higher incomes.
The 50 per cent discount on nominal capital gains can distort investor behaviour, particularly at a time of rapid capital gains. BCA submission, August 2015
Capital gains tax concessions for assets held longer than a year provide incentives to invest in assets for which anticipated capital gains are a larger component of returns. Reducing these concessions would lead to a more efficient allocation of funding in the economy. David Murray’s financial system review, 2014
I can’t see any reason for treating capital gains any different from income tax. Former BCA president Tony Shepherd, June 2015
It is broadly accepted that the capital gains tax discount is too high
Investor interest in property has been especially strong in recent years, no doubt partly encouraged by low interest rates and the prospect of [concessionally taxed] capital gains. RBA assistant governor  Luci Ellis, August 2015
Tax changes that might only drag down house prices by 1 or 2 per cent should be put in perspective. House prices have grown annually by an average of 7.3 per cent since 1999. Grattan Institute, 2016
According to the Grattan Institute, reducing the capital gains tax discount to 25 per cent, could raise about $3.7 billion a year, and would have a minor impact on house prices.
Source: Grattan Institute Research: Fiona Buffini Interactive: Les Hewitt
A short history of the CGT
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt

"The economy is delicately poised," chief executive Ken Morrison said. "The industry has passed the top of the construction cycle.

"The risk for the government is that if it moves too far, it runs the risk of tightening housing supply and adding further pressures to housing prices."

Others ruled out any change.

"It's the wrong area of focus," said Steve Mann, chief executive of the Urban Development Institute of Australia. "It's tinkering with demand when we need to drive supply to really impact on the affordability."

Mark Steinert, head of the country's largest residential developer Stockland, agreed that supply was key.

"Increasing supply, fast-tracking local infrastructure and streamlining planning approvals to speed up the delivery of new housing is the best way to start addressing affordability," Mr Steinert said.

In Melbourne at the Australian Housing Researchers Conference 2017, University of Tasmania researcher Maria Yanotti said her work on non-institutional investors in residential property - who accounted for 85 per cent of mortgage-based housing investment - showed the majority of people invested to secure a long-term investment and income source.

Lessening tax breaks was unlikely to dampen their investment appetite but could push them towards cheaper properties, Ms Yanotti said on Thursday.

"It could affect the value but not necessarily the desire [to be] in the market," she said. "Maybe they will decide to buy cheaper properties."

With Su-Lin Tan and Matthew Cranston