CBA boss Ian Narev shows how to keep the market and Canberra happy

CBA posts record profit

Ian Narev sounds typically restrained in announcing yet another record interim Commonwealth Bank of Australia profit of $4.9 billion.

He knows the big banks remain an even bigger political target so there's a particularly delicate balance in keeping the market and Canberra both happy enough – or at least calm.

His emphasis is on selling a steady, conservative approach to manage the heightened global risks of market volatility and economic shocks while continuing to invest in Australia and deliver for shareholders and customers.

That's a logical strategy but there are constant pitfalls to negotiate, commercial as well as political, expected and unexpected. CBA's cash earnings only increased by 2 per cent over the past two months, for example, even though it kept its costs well down and "repriced" some of its loans. And although the urgent passion for a royal commission into the banks has dissipated, it will only take one "scandal" or general rate rise to erupt again. Narev's rehearsed line is that he wants every CBA customer to have the same good experience that the vast majority do and that he accepts there's a "trust issue" with banks.

One response is to keep rolling out "independent" reviews with the latest one into CommInsure – by Deloitte – handed to the board this week and due for public release shortly. According to Narev, this will help show the bank's behaviour to be vastly different to "the image some people have".

That's likely to prove optimistic given the public's mood of antagonism to big business in general and banks in particular.

But Narev makes it clear that unlike some peers, CBA is most unlikely to exit the "vertical integration" model that involved banks spreading their tentacles across wealth management and insurance despite the reputational problems that keep coming.

The key to managing this will be the ability to promote a bank and banking system that continues to perform well for shareholders as well. A dividend increase of 1 per cent for its shareholders is a modest downpayment on this while a return on equity of 16 per cent, though reduced, is still impressive for most businesses. CBA's share price rose 2.3 per cent on Wednesday, along with general enthusiasm for banking stocks.

But although CBA believes the underlying trends in the economy are stronger than they were six months ago, Narev points out the crucial corollary.

"It's obvious good policy will be critical for Australia's future," he said. In his view, that includes the need for corporate tax cuts given the clear international trend in countries like the US and the UK and the impact on Australian competitiveness.

Stalemate in Canberra

Yet good policy is made harder, if not impossible, by the general policy stalemate in Canberra. It's leading now to government threats of increased taxes as a way of getting the budget under control given the Senate's resistance to the Coalition's cuts in spending. Prepare for more loud but inclusive arguments about winners and losers.

Narev muses he spent summer reading a biography of Paul Keating and what struck him most that the former prime minister did not claim to be on the side of workers or small business or big corporations. Instead, he says, it was about strengthening about the country's economic "fabric" by the understanding that all these must work together rather than being "for X or against Y".

Actually, Paul Keating did regularly express extremely critical if colourful views on the "big end of town", including the big banks. But he also had clearly expressed prescriptions on how to address those faults even if these policies had largely run out of puff by the time he lost office more than 20 years ago.

Now Australia seems stuck in a cycle where most big Australian businesses are still performing solidly if not spectacularly. Low interest rates, a lower exchange rate and, recently, a new lift in commodity prices have all helped for the moment and is reflected in the latest rise in business and consumer confidence. But there's a distinct lack of confidence in where the economy is heading long term, its resilience to potential global shocks and any ability to rely on political leadership or consistency.

Nothing is more sensitive in this whole equation, economically or politically, than the future of the Australian housing market, of course. Nor is anything more important to the bottom line of the the Australian banks given how reliant they are on mortgages for growth and profits.

The heat in the Sydney housing market in particular is now boiling over as everyone wonders how long it can continue, how any new generation can afford to buy and what happens to the economy if prices do actually fall. It's why one of Glenn Stevens' new jobs post Reserve Bank is to advise the NSW government on housing affordability.

But Narev insists that CBA's recent rate rises and various new restrictions aimed at curbing investor lending have nothing to do with bank concerns about credit quality or the risks of a fall in prices. It's all about responding to the regulators' demand to to ensure the growth in the mortgage investment market is limited to 10 per cent, he says. And that's due to the RBA trying - although failing – to ensure prices in Sydney and Melbourne don't keep accelerating.

But CBA is also constantly testing the ability of customers to cope with a big fall in prices or a big rise in interest rates and is "comfortable" with the results.

(Having just been rejected by the bank for any prospect of bridging finance for a possible house purchase, I can personally attest to the high bar on some loans, investor or otherwise. Consider it my minor if uncomfortable contribution to system stability.)