Russia claims dog Donald Trump

US President Donald Trump is coming under renewed media and political pressure on alleged ties between his team and Russia.
US President Donald Trump is coming under renewed media and political pressure on alleged ties between his team and Russia. Olivier Douliery

Donald Trump says he doesn't know Vladimir Putin, but the political and media frenzy over his team's purported links to Russia continue to plague the early days of his presidency.

Revelations by The New York Times, citing anonymous current and former officials, that intelligence agencies uncovered ongoing dialogue between Trump's advisers and associates with Russian spies the year before the November election adds to a curious chain of claimed connections between the US President and Moscow.

The story broke a day after Trump's national security adviser, Michael Flynn, was forced to quit after the Washington Post revealed he had been untruthful on whether or not he spoke to Russia's ambassador to the US about Obama administration sanctions against Moscow for its systematic hacking campaign to hurt Hillary Clinton in the election.

Flynn, the White House said, was asked to resign by the President because he misled the Vice President Mike Pence who publicly repeated Flynn's misinformation.

Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Russian President Vladimir Putin. AP

The latest exposure about alleged phone records and intercepted calls between Trump's associates and Russian spies is not necessarily a smoking gun that proves wrongdoing.

The Times itself acknowledged that US intelligence officers had so far found no evidence of cooperation between Russia and Trump.

Yet the alleged communications between a foreign power's spies – particularly a foe such as Russia — and the presidential candidate's team is strikingly unusual.

Given the swirl of evidence and innuendo about Trump and Russia, a rigorous and independent probe is paramount.

Especially in light of Trump during the campaign encouraging Russia to make public any damaging information about Clinton and repeatedly expressing his desire for the US to be closer to Putin.

From left: US President Donald Trump, with Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Vice-President Mike Pence, Press Secretary ...
From left: US President Donald Trump, with Chief of Staff Reince Priebus, Vice-President Mike Pence, Press Secretary Sean Spicer and Michael Flynn, speaks on the phone with Russian President Vladimir Putin on January 28. AP

Trump admonished the latest reports as "fake news", taking to Twitter to deem the Russian connection as "nonsense".

In a brief press conference with Israel's Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Washington on Wednesday (Thursday AEDT), Trump indirectly responded to the claims by lashing intelligence agencies for "criminal" leaking of classified information to "cover up" Clinton's election loss.

If history is any guide, the President's repeated attacks on leaky intelligence officers may backfire by potentially resulting in more damaging leaks.

Notably, Trump took just two questions, from the Christian Broadcasting Network and Townhall – two conservative news organisations who did not press the President directly on the reports.

US President Donald Trump shakes hands with Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, during a news conference at the ...
US President Donald Trump shakes hands with Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel's prime minister, during a news conference at the White House in Washington on Wednesday. Andrew Harrer

Paul Manafort, Trump's former campaign manager, said he had never "knowingly" spoken to Russian intelligence officers, after being named in the The New York Times report.

"I have never had any involvement with Putin or the Russian government on any matter," Manafort told the Financial Times in a follow up interview.

Manafort previously worked as highly-paid consultant to a pro-Russian political party in Ukraine and former prime minister Viktor Yanukovych, a Putin ally who fled to Russia after he was ousted by pro-Western rivals in February 2014.

CNN, who Trump has repeatedly lashed as "fake news", reported that "high-level advisers close to … Trump were in constant communication during the campaign with Russians known to US intelligence", citing current and former intelligence, law enforcement and administration officials.

Paul Manafort has denied any links to Putin.
Paul Manafort has denied any links to Putin. Bloomberg

John Negroponte, a former director of national intelligence and deputy secretary of state under Republican president George W. Bush, said it was too early to draw firm conclusions and an investigation was required.

"We're in an investigative phase and we've got to see where all that leads," he said on US television.

The bipartisan US Senate intelligence committee appears poised to intensify its investigation of Russia's involvement in the presidential election.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is continuing to probe Russia's interference in the election and several other US intelligence agencies are looking into related matters.

Curiously, FBI director James Comey revealed just 11 days before the election he had reopened a probe connected to Clinton's state department emails.

But Comey elected not to publicise the agency's examination of potential links between Trump associates and Russia before the election.

The insinuations about Trump and Russia look set to linger, robbing the new administration of time, resources and political capital to forge ahead with policy priorities.

Whether it's a Watergate-like scandal or smoke without fire, the dramas will also make it harder for Trump to achieve his stated goal of building closer relations with Putin.