RBA says loans from the 'bank of mum and dad' double

Luci Ellis says home buyers are getting help from friends and family to build their deposit.
Luci Ellis says home buyers are getting help from friends and family to build their deposit. Ben Rushton

The proportion of first-home buyers relying on help from their parents to enter the property market has more than doubled since the 1970s, helping keep steady the size of loans relative to the value of dwellings, Reserve Bank of Australia research shows.

In a provocative speech by Reserve Bank assistant governor Luci Ellis, the Reserve Bank also challenges much of the moral panic around the difficulties of young people accumulating large enough deposits.

She said a common assumption is that a 20 per cent deposit is required when they first buy. "This isn't actually true...it doesn't have to be as high as 20 per cent.":

It comes as debate about housing affordability rages and the government works on proposals to curb capital gains tax incentives.

Those with the highest incomes, have most of the debt.
Those with the highest incomes, have most of the debt. RBA

Ms Ellis notes that while house prices have clearly risen, the distribution of loan-to-valuation ratios - "the converse of the deposit" - hasn't shifted over time.

"If anything it has declined in the past few years for which we have data. It's not entirely clear why this is.

"And because a high loan-to valuation ratio does imply higher risk both for the borrower and the lender, it might not be such a bad thing.

"But it does suggest that... the situation is more complex than a simple summary statistic can capture.

A key reason, she suggests, is that home buyers are getting help from friends and family to build their deposit.

Proportion of buyers relying on help from parents has more than doubled in four decades
Proportion of buyers relying on help from parents has more than doubled in four decades RBA

In findings that suggest panic about a national affordability crisis are potentially overblown - and more complex than simple references to median house prices - the Reserve Bank has also highlighted that comparisons between baby boomers and younger generations may not be valid.

That's because - according Dr Ellis - baby boomers entered the property market at an unusually early age because they married earlier.

Early entry to the housing market is a key factor in boosting a household's wealth, as they will have had longer to pay down their mortgages and accrue equity, she argues.

While ownership rates among the 25-34-year old group has fallen by a bit over 10 percentage points since the early 1970s, the big decline in that statistic happened by the early 1990s - well before the big surge in prices relative to incomes.

Despite surging prices, loans taken out by first time buyers have stayed steady.
Despite surging prices, loans taken out by first time buyers have stayed steady. RBA

"What changed during that earlier period was that people started partnering and settling down later in life," Dr Ellis said in a speech to a housing conference in Melbourne on Thursday.

"The post-war baby boom had been characterised by an anomalously young average age at first marriage.

"Through the 1970s and 1980s, the normal historical pattern started to reassert itself.

As a result, ownership rates among young people declined as many waited to settle down before buying.

"By saying this, I'm not suggesting that people should not worry about whether households can achieve their desired housing tenure.

"I am suggesting that the situation is more complex than would be suggested by a single-minded focus on a single metric of affordability, such as median housing prices."

In a further riposte to those who warn the housing market has reached a bubble compared to the rest of the world , Dr Ellis presented the conference fresh evidence showing that most of the nation's housing debt is held by high-income families.

She also slammed overly-simplistic international comparisons, saying differences depend on a wide range of factors - from geography to the relative size and quantity of expansive large cities, to the availability of different credit products such as off-set accounts - a world rarity but common in Australia - to tax incentives.

"Taken together, these factors suggest that we can't assume a single value of any particular macro-level ratio exists that is 'right' for all countries or for all time. It depends.

"We can't assume that a particular level of debt is always and everywhere sustainable.

"It depends on who has the debt and what kind of credit risk they pose. We can't assume that a particular level of prices is 'correct' or 'sustainable' in all circumstances. "

She points to the fact that compared to the US, where price-to-income ratios are by comparison with Australia, America has more people living in smaller cheaper cities than here.

However, globally on that score, Dr Ellis said Australia is "somewhere around the middle of the pack of mid-sized countries" by dwelling price to income.

"Similar comparisons of household debt-to-income ratios across countries also put Australia in the middle of the pack.

"The United States is lower, consistent with the lower average price-to-income ratios there.

Several small European countries, such as Sweden and the Netherlands, have much higher ratios than Australia does.

"I would not expect or want Australia's ratio to be as high as it is in those countries. Their institutions are different. In particular, a wider range of debt is tax-deductible in those countries, so households have less incentive to pay debt down."