Crazy John's Brendan Fleiter the dark horse in Ahmed Fahour affair

The Australia Post board, from left: Peter Carne, Talal Yassine, Susan Bitter, Michael D'Ascenzo, Brendan Fleiter, Ahmed ...
The Australia Post board, from left: Peter Carne, Talal Yassine, Susan Bitter, Michael D'Ascenzo, Brendan Fleiter, Ahmed Fahour, John Stanhope and Trish White. Supplied

While Australia Post chairman John Stanhope has been copping most of the flak, one other member of the Australia Post board has largely flown under the radar throughout the Ahmed "Show Me The Money!" Fahour executive pay brouhaha.

Step up Brendan Fleiter – the deputy chair of the Australia Post board and one-time CEO of the Crazy John's Group – who rather handily, we're told, is on the Australia Post board's remuneration committee.

Fleiter's association with Fahour goes back a-ways. As well as jointly serving on the board of Australia Post, the duo have served together as members of the board of exclusive Melbourne all-girls' school Methodist Ladies College.

Along with Melbourne University Press's Louise Adler and demographer Bernard Salt, Fahour and Fleiter were members of the MLC board back in 2012 when an unholy row broke out over its decision to sack principal Rosa Storelli.

You remember that particular blue blood stoush? Every Prue and Trude in Kew had her alice band in a knot over Adler & Co's unceremonious dumping of Storelli. There was much wailing and gnashing of cosmetically enhanced teeth. Range Rovers at 10 paces. Rumour has it some parents even postponed their Aspen ski trip in protest. The indignity!

It's not the first time Fleiter has hit the headlines. Back in 2014 the former phone salesman was involved in a boardroom stoush with Richard Green – Melbourne establishment figure and 70-something chairman of now collapsed satellite company NewSat – hilarious video of which is still online.

"What are you going to do? Stand up and hit me?" Fleiter asks Green, prepping his dukes. "Well I might, yes," the cultured Green replies, somewhat unconvincingly.

The Green/Fleiter confrontation took place at a NewSat board meeting during which Fleiter wanted to know more about payments being made to Green's son-in-law, John Stewart. At the time, the Herald reports, NewSat was riddled with real or perceived conflicts of interest involving consultants.

Conflicts of interest. How ironic.

Fahour made headlines last week – and became a byword for executive excess in pubs all over Australia – when no lesser a personage than PM Malcolm Turnbull questioned whether the nation's top postie really needed to be earning $5.6 million, plus benefits. Nice work if you can get it.