Anthony Scali's siblings dust $75 million selling down

Nick Scali CEO Anthony Scali at the company's Lidcome warehouse on Monday.
Nick Scali CEO Anthony Scali at the company's Lidcome warehouse on Monday. Ben Rushton

Nick Scali's chief executive (and largest shareholder) Anthony Scali won't be able to stop smiling this week, having on Tuesday announced a net profit for first-half 17 a solid 44.7 per cent higher than 1H16. Same-store sales were up 10.1 per cent, while three new stores put icing on the cake, with increased scale driving gross margin up to 62 per cent. Who knew so many bogans have been buying white leather sofas! The result sent shares on a breakneck ride north – up 9.6 per cent, from $6.43 to $7.05 after Tuesday's bell.

But Anthony will be the only member of the Scali family celebrating. It was only 11 months ago that his two siblings Nicky and Yvonne sold their combined 33 per cent stake in the company – partly to Anthony (whose holding jumped from 16.7 per cent to 27 per cent) and the rest to institutional investors – at $3.80 a pop, or an implied $111 million. Not even a year later and the company's paper is worth 68.7 per cent (or $230 million) more, meaning that in their haste, the other kids deprived themselves of $38 million. Each! Which would buy you a helluva lot of replica Eames armchairs. Or even a bedsit in Point Piper.

Just imagine the next family gathering…