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Jura at UWS Diversity Fest

Wednesday, September 9, 2015 - 11:00am to Thursday, September 10, 2015 - 3:00pm

We're excited to be having a Jura Books stall at the UWS Diversity Festival. We’ll be bringing lots of interesting books and ideas. Come and say hi - we love to chat. And check out all the other great events planned - including performances by the awesome radical comedian Aamer Rahman.

The Jura Books stall will be at:
-> Parramatta Campus (James Ruse Dr, Building EEA the Janice Reid Pavillion) on Wednesday 9th September, 11am-3pm.
-> Bankstown Campus (2 Bullecourt Ave, Milperra, inside building 1, ground floor Student Common area) Thursday 10th September, 11am-3pm.

For more info, see:
UWS Student Representation Facebook page
Diversity Fest Facebook page
Diversity Fest Panel: Racism, Responses & Western Sydney Event page
Aamer Rahman & Bankstown Poetry Slam Events
The Refugee Experience - Consequences for Successful Settlement (Workshop for UWS Staff)

Hope to see you there!


Provisional Anarchist Federation Australia formed


At a meeting on 14th June 2015 at Jura Books, delegates from four anarchist groups agreed to form a provisional Anarchist Federation Australia. The four founding groups were Jura Books, the Melbourne Anarchist Club, the Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group and Perth Libertarians. At the meeting a number of individual observers were also present as well as an observer from Black Rose and Black Flag. The provisional Federation is based on this constitution. However the constitution is still being discussed, and changes may be made at the first Congress of the Federation - tentatively scheduled for December 2015 in Melbourne. As well as being geographically diverse, the groups making up the federation have a range of political differences, but we hope to work together cooperatively to spread anarchist ideas in Australia. Other anarchist groups are welcome to join us.


How to Make Trouble and Influence People

How to Make Trouble and Influence People book

Jura is excited to stock the second edition of How to Make Trouble and Influence People - a brilliant book on Australia's radical past. Copies available for $35. Mail order available - just email us.
About the book:

This book reveals Australia’s radical past through more than 500 tales of Indigenous resistance, convict revolts and escapes, picket line hijinks, student occupations, creative direct action, street art, media pranks, urban interventions, squatting, blockades, banner drops, guerilla theatre, and billboard liberation. Twelve key Australian activists and pranksters are interviewed regarding their opposition to racism, nuclear power, war, economic exploitation, and religious conservatism via humour and creativity. Featuring more than 300 spectacular images How to Make Trouble and Influence People has been published in a second edition by PM Press. As this edition will mainly be distributed to audiences outside of Australia all of the listings from the first edition have been put in chronological order and introductions added for key periods in Australian history. It also features an additional 30 pages of new material.

Praise for the book:

“I noticed clear back on my first visit in ’83 that radical Aussies fighting back seem to be far more tenacious and creative than most Americans—Roxby Downs, that damned Franklin dam in Tasmania, Operation Titstorm, etc. A far better way to heat up the planet than your lovely mining companies. So keep up the good work! A prank a day keeps the dog leash away.”
—Jello Biafra

“A fascinating recovery of Australia’s neglected past and a worthy inspiration to today’s would-be troublemakers.”
—Sean Scalmer, author of Dissent Events: Protest, The Media and the Political Gimmick in Australia

“If you’ve ever thought of speaking out about an issue or have idly wondered what you could do to make the world a better place, this is the book for you! Fascinating interviews, quirky historical snippets and stunning photos chronicling all the Australians who have made a difference and who have done so with courage, audacity and a lot of humour! Keep it on your desk at work for all those moments when you need some inspiration, a bit of hope or just a good laugh.”
—Jill Sparrow, co-author Radical Melbourne 1 & 2

“Fascinating interviews with Australia’s best troublemakers make for a riotous scrapbook covering our radical history of revolts and resistance.”
—Rachel Power, Australian Education Union News

“McIntyre has amassed hundreds of tales alongside dramatic photographs in what is unashamedly a songbook for Australia’s future culture-jammers and mischief makers.”
—Katherine Wilson, The Age


Intersectionality: Implications for Anarcha-Feminism

Credited to Kimberle Crenshaw in the late 1980s, intersectionality is the current buzzword of the mainstream feminist movement. It quite rightly recognises that all oppressions – from sexism and racism to classism and ableism – are merely categorisations of human identities, ranked against each other through social constructs that serve only to create layers of oppressions within society. Anarchists have long recognised the need to fight oppressions on all fronts, yet we have been ineffective in linking our discourses with mainstream feminist dialogue.

DIY festival organising committee

Monday, April 12, 2010 -
12:00am to 2:00am

A group of us have decided we want to have a punk-rock DIY festival in sydney. If you wish to help us create this nightmare then come along for the first meetup!

About Jura

At Jura Books, we are working to create a radically different world: one based on freedom, equality and justice for everyone, as well as environmental sustainability for all life on the planet. We believe this can only be achieved by an organised and politically conscious social movement, based on participatory democracy and workers control. Our collective aims to help to build this movement. We seek to bring the ideas of anarchism to ever-widening circles of people.

