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Selma James

"Can You Hear Me?" - An Autonomous Women's Film Event

Sunday, January 18, 2009 -
5:00am to 8:30am

A night for women (including women identifiers) to celebrate creativity. women's history and cultural endeavours.

FREE vegan dinner at 6pm!

Screening of the film "Can You Hear Me? Israeli and Palestinian Women Fight for Peace".


Lilly Rivlin’s Documentary “Can You Hear Me?” Focuses on Women as Peacemakers
By Robert Hirschfield

Sydney Anarcha-Feminist Collective?

Wednesday, January 21, 2015 -
11:00am to 1:00pm

Jura is happy to host this discussion, organised by a group of anarcha-feminists:


"What would an Anarcha-Feminist Collective look like? Would it be a discussion group, reading group or activist group? Who would it involve? What would we talk about?
Do we have capacity to create an Anarcha-Feminist Collective?

Let's get together and have a chat to answer these questions and more.

Please Note: This is an autonomous meeting."


Abortion democracy film screening

Wednesday, December 1, 2010 -
5:00am to 7:00am

Accessible abortion on demand: Is law reform the solution?

When a Cairns couple were charged over a home abortion using RU486, the case highlighted the inaccessibility of medical abortion in Australia. At the same time the cost of surgical abortion has skyrocketed and services are mainly located in large metropolitan areas. Some feel abortion law reform will alleviate the problem. Is this the case?

Come see an award winning documentary by German filmmaker Sarah Diehl: Abortion Democracy: Poland/South Africa

Some bands

Monday, August 28, 2006 -
2:00am to 7:00am

Some bands, ya.  There'll be a Jura stall there too - so you can thrash out your captial-induced cathexis while you pick up some enlightening lit.   $5.

Jura Books collective meeting

Saturday, August 5, 2006 -
3:00am to 4:20am

Jura Books collective meeting.

Talkshop Notes - Anarchism and Feminism

I’ve been thinking a lot about what it is I should say here tonight. There is so much to be said about the practice of anarchism and the practice of feminism that it can be really overwhelming. I finally decided that the essence of what I wanted to talk about was expressed in one concept: unpaid labour.

But first, let’s dispense with dualism. Dualism causes lots of problems when we try to analyse something as complex as gender oppression and gender privilege within capitalist society. If you try to apply the oppressor / victim analysis to every novel situation, you get nonsense such as “all men are rapists” (and hence all women are rape victims), or at best a bifurcation: “men are from mars women are from venus”. I’m not a victim, and I’m not from venus - something is lacking from the simple dualist analysis.

Political Perspectives: 
