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Michael Bakunin

Red and Black Forum: Anarchism and postcolonialism: Insights from the Philippine 'anarchipelago'

Sunday, September 27, 2015 -
2:00pm to 4:00pm

Frantz Fanon predicted that if national liberation movements win independence but go no further than assuming the reins of the nation-state – an apparatus of rule inherited from Europe – then the resulting regimes will be no less despotic than the departed colonial masters. Before Fanon, too, there was the irrepressible Russian anarchist, Mikhail Bakunin, who argued, contra Karl Marx, that a post-revolutionary society that failed to do away with the state would only perpetuate tyrannies that Marx and his followers claimed to oppose. The twentieth century proved both Bakunin and Fanon right, thereby prompting new explorations into what revolution without the state might mean.

This talk will offer a glimpse into one such exploration in the Philippines – a unique case, though very much in line with anarchistic resurgences everywhere – while also highlighting the complementarities between anarchist and postcolonialist perspectives. 

The talk will be given by Marco, an anarchist from Perth who has spent quite a bit of time with anarchists in Manila.

Followed by discussion. All welcome. Free.




Interview: anarchism and the meaning of freedom

Jeremy was interviewed by Daisy, a high-school student from Blacktown, in July 2014.

"Hi Daisy, I've done my best to answer your questions properly, but briefly. It was very difficult! You've asked lots of interesting and challenging questions which we anarchists think deserve thorough consideration. In fact, that's exactly why we at Jura run a bookshop and library filled with thousands of books dealing with these questions and issues! I hope you will come in and check them out – you'll find much more thorough answers than the ones I've given below.

What is the Prison Industrial Complex?

Friday, March 25, 2011 -
6:00am to 8:00am

Join us for an evening of learning about the Prison Industrial Complex, through a bunch of short films and clips we've collected.

Films will include:

** Short video lecture about the Prison Industrial Complex by prison abolitionist activist Angela Davis

** Short film/clips about Aboriginal incarceration and deaths in custody

** News clips from the recent Georgia Prisoners' Strike (the largest in U.S. history)

(A) new book club at Jura

Tuesday, May 25, 2010 -
4:00am to 6:00am

ome and join in a new reading group at Jura. The first book is Malatesta's 'Anarchy'. It's short and copies are available for loan from the Jura library. It's also online here: http://libcom.org/library/anarchy-malatesta and in the libraries of UWS, Macquarie Uni and Sydney Uni. In 'Anarchy', Malatesta seeks to explain the fundamental tenets of, and provide a persuasive argument for, his version of anarchism. The text has been published in more than fifty-five editions since 1892.

Anarchism in the 21st century

Saturday, September 19, 2009 -
4:00am to 6:00am

What form should anarchism take in the 21st century? What relevance does the last 150 years of anarchist history have? What's the difference between anarchism and anarcho-syndicalism? What do anarchist ideas have to offer in light of the current economic and climate crises? What about the tensions between employment, unemployment, and re-employment? Come and consider these questions with us (and raise more) at the first of a series of Jura Talks - Left Libertarian Discussions. Our first talk is on 'Anarchism in the 21st Century'.

Jura Books collective meeting

Saturday, August 5, 2006 -
3:00am to 4:20am

Jura Books collective meeting.
