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New books:

Antifascism, Sports, Sobriety: Forging a militant working-class culture, (ed) Gabriel Kuhn, $19.50.

Complete Works of Malatesta: A long and patient work, Vol 3, $38;

New edition of: Prison Memoirs of an Anarchist, Alexander Berkman (new annotation and introduction), $36 - one of the best books on what prisons do to people, even after all these years since it was written.

Hegemony How to: A roadmap for radicals, Johathan Smucker, $26;

Worshiping Power: An anarchist view of early state formation, Peter Gelderloos, $24;

No More Heroes: Grassroots challenges to the savior mentality, Jordan Flaherty, $23;

The Remedy: Queer and Trans Voices on Health and Health Care, Zena Sharman (ed), $29;

Verso Book of Dissent, Andrew Hsiao & Andrea Lim, $30;

Romantic Rationalist: A William Godwin Reader, (ed.) Peter Marshall, $23 (the 'first' English anarchist);

Fire (and other stories), Elizabeth Hand, $17;.

Back in stock:

Queering Anarchism: Addressing and undressing desire and power, ed, CB Daring, et al, $30;

Caliban and the Witch: Women, the body and primitive accumulation, Silvia Federici, $30;

Strengthening Anarchism's Gender Analysis, j. rogue, $3;

Queer Liberation is Class Struggle, Jomo, $6.

....See you at Jura,