Friday, February 17, 2017

The Usual BS: "Power Struggle"

You'd think that the Fifth Column MSM could come up with something original.  But then, you'd be granting them way too much credit.

Today I googled "Johnny Carson jokes" for a small project.  One of the pages that came up had about two dozen of his one-liners (and a dozen Karnak jokes, too!!)

And sure enough, Carson had a one-liner about a 'power struggle' in the REAGAN White House.

Just bring it 36 years forward and we have Priebus v. Bannon v. what's-his-son-in-law, yadayada.

Same shit, different day, folks.  That's the domestic enemy for ya.

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Gander Mountain Goes BK

Well isn't this a fine kettle of fish.

St. Paul, Minnesota-based Gander Mountain Co. is currently in the process of filing for bankruptcy. The company is working with a financial advisory firm, Lighthouse Management Group, to file bankruptcy as early as this month.

The financial decision comes after Gander Mountain attempted an aggressive expansion of its stores but failed to attract new customers. To date, the sporting goods chain has roughly 160 stores, 60 of which have opened since 2012....

May be headquartered in St Paul now, but it started in SE Wisconsin.  It is privately held by its chairman and a company also involved with Holiday gas stations (!!)

Free College, For Some

At the ever-zany UW-Madistan, officials are now 'studying' a demand that Black Students get free tuition.

Offhand, I'd say that's racism.

Mary Shelley's Prediction Comes True

It took a while, but Mary Shelley's prediction-novel has just about come true.

...An influential science advisory group formed by the National Academy of Sciences and the National Academy of Medicine on Tuesday lent its support to a once-unthinkable proposition: clinical efforts to engineer humans with inheritable genetic traits.

In a report laden with caveats and notes of caution, the group endorsed the alteration of human eggs, sperm and embryos...quoted at Z-Man's place

Just because it can be done....right??

Some Pubbies Get It. Others....

A telling short news item:

Texas Republican Sen. Ted Cruz introduced a two-page bill Tuesday to abolish the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, the darling of Sen. Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders....

Abolish it.  Schmeiss it.  Nuke it.  Not one stone left atop another.  Lamentations of the women, and all that.

Speaking of Lamenting Women:

...Other Republicans have ideas for reforming President Barack Obama’s signature financial protection agency, Reuters reports. Georgia Sen. David Perdue intends to change the CFPB to make it more accountable to Congress....

Lookie there!!  A wannabee-acolyte of McConnell!

Egg McMuffin, Bridesmaid

The last-minute substitute candidate, who was 7th on a 5-man depth chart, now states that Trump "presents a threat to the country."

This was Charlie Sykes' choice, folks.

Who Is Doing What To Whom in D.C.?

The fight is just getting underway! 

See the link below for more--but here's the very brief briefing:

Back in the 1950's, the Russkis were the Epitome of Evil, probably because the US press didn't have a clue as to what was going on in Red China, or (more likely) because the US press didn't give a rotten fart about Chinese people anyway.

Regardless, the Russkis maintained their "principal evil" status until John Paul II, Lech Walensa, and Ron Reagan took them out.   The Russkis were then reduced to a regional hegemon; they still had lotsa nasty weapons and well-trained troops, but their slave-states had been emancipated.

Now, all of a sudden, the Russkis are the Epitome of Evil again!  Or so it would seem, if one reads the CIA/NSA/FBI leaker files now being airdropped like propaganda leaflets all over D.C.

(By the way, in the '50's Russia was evil because it was run by the Godless Communists.  One never sees that term today, because the (D) Party, the Deep State, and the servant MSM are guessed it!!)

Fast forward to Trump's entrance, stage right.

Trump prevailed because the vast middle of the US had had enough of the horsecrap oozing out of the DC Augean stables, whether statutory, regulatory, or shaming-rhetorical.  He offered an alternative:  the US and its citizens will be first in line and the Ruling Class will be forced to settle for much, much less.  Not only less influence and less ability to interfere with normal people pursuing normal lives in normal ways--but also the Ruling Class will get less Gummint Titty.

This the Ruling Class will not abide.  They enjoyed sacrificing YOUR children to their endless wars and monumental debts (their children were, by and large, aborted.)  They enjoyed a standard of living un-matched in the world, and--by the way--un-matched in 95% of the US, too.  And they expect to draw a retirement package which would be the envy of most third-world dictators, paid for by your grandchildren.

When that, and the Delusion-Dream of One World (run by, you guessed it) were threatened by anyone, especially a somewhat heathen and flawed man, the Ruling Class took action.

THAT is what you are seeing in DC.  Obozo and Soros in background, rioters in foreground, and the Vast Deep State--most of Congress, 2 million++ Federal employees, (not to mention their grantees in colleges) and their camp-follower Press--counter-attacking Trump.

They think they will not be vanquished.

We'll see about that.

FINALLY, ObozoCare Replacement!

While RoJo and Speaker Ryan were sputtering and fiddling, actual Conservatives were working.

...In 2010, Republicans won the House of Representatives; and in 2014, Republicans won the Senate; and in 2016, Republicans won the White House–all based on that promise to unwind President Barack Obama’s landmark health care reform legislation, he said. “We owe this to the conservatives across the country to repeal–to completely repeal Obamacare.”...

Remember that, Senator Johnson???

...Capitol Hill conservatives rallied behind the bill sponsored by Sen. Rand Paul (R.-Ky.) to replace the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Obamacare, with a patient-centered federal policy at a Wednesday press conference at the Capitol....

There's a picture at the top of the story.  No RoJo present.

...For [Rand] Paul the three top improvements in the bill are that it legalizes the sale of inexpensive insurance, expands the Health Savings Accounts which allow individuals to set aside money in tax-protected accounts for medical expenses, and allows Americans to band together in health insurance associations to create large pools of buyers for the purposes of driving down costs, he said....

Ball's in your court, Ron and Ryan.  Get off your asses.

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

More Silliness From Hot Air

This whole 'buy Ivanka' thing is absurd, and getting more absurder every day.

KellyAnne Conway flippantly recommends Ivanka Trump clothing while in the White House and gotterdammerung ensues.  Absolutely nobody in Flyover Country gives a flying fart about the remark, (nor about 'fashion' in general.)

Enter Hot Air to throw its 'cred' around--which demonstrates two things:  1)  Allahpundit is just another Establo-Ruling Class pouty-faced twit, and 2) Allahpundit really, really, really, wants to be in the White House making policy.

A little Fainting Couch time may repair the damage to the soul of Allah and the complete idiot at "Gummint Ethics."  Shall we make it mandatory time?

The IRS' New 'We Don't Care' ObozoCare Stance

The HotAir essay comes to the wrong conclusion.

...for the time being I’m willing to chalk this one up in the win column....

Someone made the decision that it is no longer a Big Deal not to have health coverage; IRS is not going to force taxpayers to answer the 'do you/don't you' question.

We would like to know exactly who made that decision and who they think they are....

This is not a "win."  It is another loss for the "rule of law."  The fact that the "rule of law" is ignored by the courts, the IRS, and EPA (to name only a few) does not make it any better at all.

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Boots and Sabers Has It.

We've said this before:  IT'S THE SPENDING, STUPID!!

Owen not only shows that Walker likes to spend a lot of money--but in addition, he's taking that money from Wisconsinites with less resources than they had in 2007.

(And no, Robin Vos, the answer is NOT "mo' taxes")

Monday, February 13, 2017

Meanwhile, In Rome...

We have mentioned the civil war ongoing in the Catholic Church.

This short essay provides information about a new chapter in that war--a book which affirms the worst fears of orthodox Catholics (particularly those who paid attention to yesterday's Gospel).

Along with a brief review of the book's contents, the link also provides a short list of the Troublesome Ones in the Vatican today:

...Note well the names of the players intervening here. [Cdl.] Coccopalmerio [an apprentice to Rembert Weakland's BFF, Cdl. Montini], whose new book on Chapter 8 of Amoris Laetitia is being given the red-carpet treatment by the Vatican even though it is an open door to the complete degradation of sacramental discipline and the observance of the 6th Commandment, and Msgr. Pio Vito Pinto, the prelate who attacked the Four Cardinals and their dubia at the alleged request of Pope Francis, and whose name appears on one of the oldest lists of suspected Freemasons in the Vatican. The same collaborators of the papal cabal seem to come up again and again in news stories as intriguants, if only in different contexts. The same pattern can be observed with other names, including but not limited to Cardinals Baldisseri and Maradiaga, the ever-present Archbishop Victor “Tucho” Fernández, who is alleged to have ghostwritten portions of virtually every papal document since Francis was elected, and media figures and pundits like La Civiltà Cattolica editor Fr. Antonio Spadaro, Crux contributing editor Austen Ivereigh, and Vatican Insider journalist Andrea Tornielli....

Pray for them.

Got Your Crying Towel Handy?? Feds Are Worried!!

There are somewhere north of 2 million Fedgov employees (not counting military.)

Many of them are worried sick about incurring unemployment. 

Shall we all ululate on the count of three?

Many of these people are also thinking of f*&^ing up the works if they actually remain on the payroll.

Some of those should be thinking about self-defense.

Just in case.

Embarrassing Errors

A local fellow who is trying to maintain visibility shows us that some memes are illogical on their face.

...There was a reason why President George W Bush made a distinction between Islam and radical Islam. He worked very, very hard to draw this line...

Bush was wrong and it should be obvious to any casual reader, but let me help you if 1) you can't read for meaning or 2) you are deliberately obtuse.  Either way it is embarrassing.

There is no difference between "Islam" and "radical Islam."  In fact, there is no such thing as "radical Islam."  It is all "Islam."

There are, however, a bunch of Muslims who are willing to take the Koran seriously, just as there are Orthodox Jews who take the Old Testament seriously, just as there are Catholics who take Catholicism seriously. 

But Catholicism and Orthodox Judaism do not enjoin their serious adherents to kill all the non-Catholics/Jews (or whatevers.)

See the difference?  Don't be embarrassed, folks. 

Goodell Rides the Crazy Train

Nah, it's not surprising.  It's just the latest chapter in "NFL Self-Destruction."  (There are consequences to practicing the capital sin of Greed.  It makes you cray-cray.)

The NFL sharpened its warning to Texas on Friday about a “bathroom bill” targeting transgender people, suggesting for the first time that the football-crazed state could miss out on hosting another Super Bowl if the proposal is enacted.  --quoted at MoonBattery

What would Vince Lombardi do if he found a boy in the girls' room?

Another question:  Is Roger Goodell a man?

Disrupt, Screech, Yell: Lefties Looking for Trouble

We have our disagreements with Jim Sensenbrenner.

But we don't do two-year-old temper tantrum crap as does the Left.

..."This is democracy in action – I really believe that," said Chuck Koenings, one of the people who waited in the hallway. "The last three, four months – I think our country is in crisis. I really do."...

Chuck belongs to a notoriously non-Catholic "catholic" church in Menomonee Falls. 

He's right about one thing:  there IS a problem in the US.  It's the revolution against Right Order which Obama wrought and people like Chuck want to continue. They have used the tantrums and some violence.

We prefer to settle it peacefully, Chuck.  

Sunday, February 12, 2017

Did House IT Guys Blow Seals' Cover?

Last week we were told that three IT guys were canned.  They had access to House Intel documents.

This post at ZeroHedge connects those guys to the intel-leak leading to a very rough landing for our Seals in Yemen.


Sore....Loser: RedState

RedState has been finding nits to pick at ever since Trump won.  Most of them are silly, so we ignore them.

'Vote fraud' claims, on the other hand, are not silly and ya'know, we shouldn't really ignore them.

Here RedState makes a fool of itself, yammering about New Hampshire.

Project Veritas found otherwise. They also found otherwise here.

Was it enough to turn the primary?  General?  I don't know.

If RedState wasn't so fixated on nits, which beclouds their reason, they'd ponder the meaning of "fraud" for long enough to understand that by its nature, "fraud" is MEANT to be un-detectable.

RIP Milwaukee Guy Al Jarreau

News via PowerLine.  Great talent.

The Democrats and Drugs

Nah, this isn't about Democrats who seem to be abusing hallucinogenic drugs in their press releases.

This is about people who are related to or who hang around with (D) pols and who also provide prescription drugs.

Prices for those drugs are really, really, really, really high.

Co-incidence, I'm sure.

Saturday, February 11, 2017

New Conspiracy!! Burke/Bannon/Mussolini!!

Apparently the latest Leftard Derangement symptom is connecting Cdl. Burke, Steve Bannon, and Mussolini.

Amalgamating good old-fashioned anti-Catholicism with anti-populist/Americanism AND Fascism is ....umnnnhhh.....a symptom, alright.  Does this author have a driver's license??

Friday, February 10, 2017

First, the MSM . Now the Courts!

We all know that the credibility of the MSM is tanked.

Now the 9th Circus is dragging the credibility of the judiciary into the same spot.

When any court asserts that NON-citizens 'have Constitutional rights,' that court is ridiculous.  Worthy of ridicule.

And whether Gorsuch likes it or not, 'the brotherhood of the robe' looks like a bunch of dress-up dollies with cotton stuffing brains.

Thursday, February 09, 2017

So We're "Lazy, Decadent, Spoiled", Billy?

Billy Kristol, who has never missed a chance to send other people's kids to war, has an opinion about white working-class Americans.

....basically if you are in free society, a capitalist society, after two or three generations of hard work everyone becomes kind of decadent, lazy, spoiled — whatever,” Kristol said. “Then, luckily, you have these waves of people coming in from Italy, Ireland, Russia, and now Mexico, who really want to work hard and really want to succeed....

Umnnhhh....yah, so that explains it all!!

These Frumps Are OUT of Office for a Reason

The usual suspects with the usual request:  screw the Ordinary Joe because "science."

Except it is NOT "science," and the Ordinary Joe elected someone whose name is not Bush.

Go sell your snake-oil to Germany, boys.

What's Really Under Sykes' Skin??

What really rubs Charlie Sykes' cheeks the wrong way is revealed in the very first sentence of this little monograph:

President Trump has been singularly unfortunate in his friends (think Steve Bannon), but exceptionally lucky in his enemies,...

Charlie "gets" a lot of stuff, but like the vast majority of the Consultant Class (City Class/Establishment Class) Pubbies, Charlie does not get the link between religion (cult) and culture.  That's why the Consultant Class cannot stand Bannon; he's a reminder of their epic fails in the Middle East and in the US, because Bannon does get it, and he gets it very well, indeed.

Charlie thinks that HE should be in Bannon's chair, too--but that's another matter.

Some day, Charlie will read the actual history of the Crusades. 

Good Enough for Government Work, Eh???

That phrase was--and still is--meant as an insult.

In the House and Senate, however, Republicans must think that it's a compliment.

...The promise to repeal and replace the unpopular health law was a major cornerstone of the Republican platform in last year’s election.

“To be honest, there’s not any real discussion taking place right now,” Senator Bob Corker (R-Tenn.) told the Huffington Post on Tuesday.

When asked when he thought Republicans would start seriously working on an alternative to Obamacare, Corker said, “I have no idea. I’m not on a committee that deals with this … but I don’t see any congealing around ideas yet....

(In fact, I remember ONE (R) Senator whose entire campaign was "Repeal ObamaCare".  He was from Wisconsin.  He's gone off the radar lately because his campaign promises aren't worth shit.)

The (R) sloths have known since NOVEMBER 8TH that they have a clear path, but they just don't get around to it.  Good enough for Gummint work, eh?

If there's one thing that Donald Trump has proven, it's this:  if you want stuff to get done, get off your bureaucratic ass and DO it.  Then it gets done.

As to the rest of you:  good enough for government work--until you get fired.

Tuesday, February 07, 2017

Import Tax on Cars? Some Answers

From Automotive News today.

...the policy would deliver the sharpest blow to Jaguar Land Rover while giving a leg up to Ford Motor Co. and Tesla Inc....

Yah, about $17K per Jag or Land Rover.  About $0 for a Tesla.

...Ford, with significant domestic manufacturing, would need to mull the smallest price hike among major automakers, at about $282 per vehicle, followed by General Motors at $995, according to the report. The estimates aim to show the relative impact of the tax plan on each automaker...

Study was done by Baum & Associates.


...In its current form, the proposed border tax could lead to the production of up to 1 million additional vehicles in the U.S. and 50,000 more jobs at car and part assembly plants, Luria [ economist at the Michigan Manufacturing Technology Center in Ann Arbor] said.

50,000 jobs at total annual comp around $85K/year is not bad at all.

Ultra-Big Bank Win

The headline will tell you all you need to know.

If you like dealing with Chase, USBank, Citi, and WellsFargo, that's good, because they will do everything in their power to keep the Dodd-Frank regulatory scheme in place.

It kills off the competitors.

We note that the "free trade" Republicans don't really like all that "free trade" when it comes to the banks.  Surprised??

"Drug Death" Stories: the Mexico Connection

Every night you hear more stories about 'heroin overdose' deaths.  Milwaukee County set a record last year for those, and will break that record this year if things don't change.

You then hear that the "H" problem began with licit, prescribed, opioid pain-killers given for back pain, or some such.  When the scrip expired, the patient moved over to heroin.

What you NEVER hear is this:  the heroin comes from Mexico, and it's an easy journey since there is no Wall.  You also NEVER hear that various elements of Mexican state- and federal-governments are wholly owned by the drug gangs

It's common knowledge in the Border Patrol; it's common knowledge within CIA and diplomatic circles.  But somehow, the "press" doesn't want to talk about it.
