Singer 'mummy shamed' for baby food choice

Jana Kramer with her husband Mike Caussin and their daughter Jolie.
Jana Kramer with her husband Mike Caussin and their daughter Jolie.  Photo: Instagram/kramergirl

Like any new mum, Jana Kramer was excited when her baby daughter was ready to make the jump from milk to solid food.

However when the US country singer and actress shared news of her baby's milestone on social media, she was shocked to become the victim of "mummy shamers".

Kramer lasted week took to Instagram to post a photo of some baby food jars at a  supermarket checkout with the caption: "And it begins. #babyfood."

But rather than offering comments of support, many of the singer's 949,000 followers chose to be judgmental of Kramer's parenting.

Some questioned the fact baby Jolie was starting solids at four instead of six months of age. Others expressed disappointment that Kramer was giving her daughter store bought food rather than making her own. 

"Buy a baby blender!" stated one commenter. "So easy to make your own! Steam and purée pretty much any fruit or veggie. Great way to avoid pesky preservatives!"

"My sister made her own baby food. Much healthier and now my nephew is almost five won't touch processed food," wrote another.

"My son's pediatrician wouldn't let him start on baby food until 6 months," said a fellow mum.

Fortunately, not all of Kramer's fans chose to judge her. Many told the critics to back off and support another mum doing her best to care for her baby.

"Wow people!!! She's excited about her daughters milestone! Get off your damn high horse ... stop with all the make your own, oh this has additives, the other brand is better ... Her daughter will be just fine! And I'm more than certain she has a great support team to give her all the info she needs," wrote one follower.

But despite all the supportive comments, the "haters" prompted Kramer to post another photo telling anyone who isn't baby Jolie's mother, father or doctor to refrain from saying how she should be fed.

"I have been very open with pictures of my daughter and our journey because my true fans have been on my journey from day one and I want them to be a part of my new journey now," she wrote. 

"If you have negative comments about how I parent my child, keep it to yourself!"