Capital gains tax hike on investment properties 'sensible', experts say

Grattan chief executive John Daley says reducing the capital gains tax discount on investment property would make a ...
Grattan chief executive John Daley says reducing the capital gains tax discount on investment property would make a "material" difference to the budget. Louise Kennerley

Removing the the capital gains tax discount for investment properties would save the budget about $4 billion a year, according to Grattan Institute analysis.

The institute's chief executive, John Daley, has long argued that the interaction between the 50 per cent CGT and negative gearing distorts investment decisions, makes housing markets more volatile and reduces home ownership.

"It would definitely be a material step in the right direction," Mr Daley said after The Australian Financial Review revealed the government could change investment property tax arrangements.

"Our preference would be to overhaul capital gains tax and negative gearing but there is no question that you can sensibly do just capital gains tax," Mr Daley said.

Source: Grattan Institute | Research: Fiona Buffini | Interactive: Les Hewitt
Paul Keating introduced a tax on capital gains in 1985. Before then, there was no general tax on capital gains in Australia. Until 1999, real capital gains, adjusted for inflation, were taxed at personal rates. John Howard, advised by businessman John Ralph, abolished indexation of capital gains, in 1999, and replaced it with a concession to tax 50 per cent of capital gains, to encourage greater investment in “innovative, high-growth companies”.
A short history of the capital gains tax
Bob Hawke & Paul Keating in 1985
These changes increased the attractiveness of negative gearing and since they started, in 1999, the number of people making losses on residential property has doubled.
Net rents have been negative since the introduction of the CGT discount.
Most capital gains are earned by those on higher incomes.
The 50 per cent discount on nominal capital gains can distort investor behaviour, particularly at a time of rapid capital gains. BCA submission, August 2015
Capital gains tax concessions for assets held longer than a year provide incentives to invest in assets for which anticipated capital gains are a larger component of returns. Reducing these concessions would lead to a more efficient allocation of funding in the economy. David Murray’s financial system review, 2014
I can’t see any reason for treating capital gains any different from income tax. Former BCA president Tony Shepherd, June 2015
It is broadly accepted that the capital gains tax discount is too high
Investor interest in property has been especially strong in recent years, no doubt partly encouraged by low interest rates and the prospect of [concessionally taxed] capital gains. RBA assistant governor  Luci Ellis, August 2015
Tax changes that might only drag down house prices by 1 or 2 per cent should be put in perspective. House prices have grown annually by an average of 7.3 per cent since 1999. Grattan Institute, 2016
According to the Grattan Institute, reducing the capital gains tax discount to 25 per cent, could raise about $3.7 billion a year, and would have a minor impact on house prices.
Source: Grattan Institute Research: Fiona Buffini Interactive: Les Hewitt
A short history of the CGT
Australian Financial Review Interactive infographic
Interactive infographic by Les Hewitt

The Reserve Bank of Australia reaffirmed concerns about the combined effect of the CGT discount and negative gearing on housing affordability. 

RBA assistant governor for economics Luci Ellis referred to the bank's 2015 submission to the House of Representatives Economics inquiry into home ownership.

"What we said at the time was the interaction between negative gearing and capital gains discount - that creates an incentive to leverage into investment housing in Australia and goes particularly into investor housing because property is the asset you can leverage the most," she said. 

"That's where the incentive is most attractive. So it would stand to reason that if you reduce the capital gains discount, that incentive to gear up into housing would be less than it would otherwise."

KPMG has previously recommended a reduction in the CGT discount to 25 per cent so that the "benefits of negative gearing would be reduced but not eliminated". 

Grattan has also proposed a 25 per cent discount on capital gains for all asset classes, which it estimated would save the budget $3.7 billion a year.

If the discount were to be removed entirely for property only, the government could expect to save somewhere in the vicinity of $4 billion a year, Mr Daley said. 

Labor has proposed restricting negative gearing to new properties - an idea the government has strongly rejected.

Negative gearing allows an investor to deduct losses, including interest on a mortgage, against other income.

Unlike other countries, Australia allows those losses to offset salary and wages income, not just income from rent.

And when it comes time to sell the property, the gain is taxed at half the seller's marginal rate.

Given the inexorable rise of property prices, it has been a great deal.

Centre for Independent Studies senior fellow Robert Carling said the role of the CGT discount and negative gearing in house price escalation was "over played". 

"There are very good reasons in principle for a sizeable CGT discount, and that is why it was set at 50 per cent in 1999," he said.

But if the government opted for change, it would be best to adopt the Henry review recommendation for a uniform discount applying not only to capital gains but to net rental and interest income, Mr Carling added.