Morphic on why Woolworths' short potential is not exhausted yet

Chad Slater and Jack Lowenstein made headlines daring to short one of their own.
Chad Slater and Jack Lowenstein made headlines daring to short one of their own. Daniel Munoz

The fund managers who reluctantly made headlines shorting Platinum Asset Management last year think that Woolworths will again be challenged in 2017 as it finds lean rewards in being the turnaround star of a hard-fought industry.

Jack Lowenstein and Chad Slater, of Morphic Asset Management, admit it's not the edgiest idea in the world, but "being contrarian for the sake of being contrarian is never a good trade," says Slater.

The Woolworths debate has evolved to one of margin outlook, they say. The first phase of the short was when the company was "in a mess, and they didn't recognise it," says Lowenstein. That part is over. "Now, they're in the phase where they're definitely making some progress operationally," but while Woolworths is improving, the industry is not.

In Morphic's opinion, the cost of that turnaround is gong to be loss of margin and loss of market share. Translating the Orwellian speak of the retail industry, "We can now afford to reduce margins without our bankers getting scared, that's what invest in price means," Lowenstein argues. 


"There's nowhere in the world where you've got a low-cost operator where you don't earn 3 to 3.5 per cent and if you put that in your DCF" - the discounted cashflow model - "it's so sensitive, you get a $12 to $15 stock price," says Slater. "What we're arguing over is where do margins settle in the medium term?"

Morphic is a $120 million Sydney-based global fund manager and Slater and Lowenstein met as former colleagues at Hunter Hall. They will never buy Apple because they don't think they have an edge in large caps. They would rather own cement stocks in Pakistan or trade regional American banks such as Bank of the Ozarks​ of Little Rock, Arkansas ("an unbelievable success story").

Slater worked in Treasury before getting a graduate role in funds management at BT on his second go. Four months in, BT was sold to Westpac and the team was dissolved, so Slater figured out the only way to survive was by offering to work for free, setting off a nuclear reaction in human resources.

Lowenstein started out as a journalist, working for Euromoney covering Asia. A brief stint in broking small caps saw him cross paths with Peter Hall via Hall's big investment in the highly troubled furnishings company behind Kresta blinds. Lowenstein ran a proxy battle to get control of the board and was installed as a director to oversee a turnaround. "Peter said, 'I want to move to London, do you mind running things for me here in Australia?'." Lowenstein recalls it was like being "an after-care analyst for all the stocks that Peter bought".

He rose to deputy chief investment officer and the firm hired Slater after he left BT.

"One of my best investments ever was Daiichikosho," Lowenstein recalls. It is the world's biggest maker of karaoke equipment and the owner of the Big Echo chain in Japan. "This was a beautiful company, incredibly cheap and slow growing," he says. But it didn't come up when he was screening for relative value, instead the screen was pinging a different karaoke operator. Being slavishly guided by data is not the Morphic's way. They are more enthusiastic about a combination of approaches: screening, stock selection and macro "top down".

"You need strong views, loosely held. You need to form an opinion," says Slater, "because if you're too cynical you'll never buy anything." Most people say they have strongly held views, he points out. "They're very difficult to break apart when the data's changing." They will always try the red team-blue team or competing hypothesis approach to test their ideas.

The Platinum short idea only came to light in August 2016 because Morphic committed to being transparent about its top-10 positions. "We thought people would hate us," says Slater. (Kerr Neilson responded publicly to the story in November saying "we have no qualms at all about people shorting our stock. In fact we do it to others".)

"He is a very talented individual and he's built a great business," says Lowenstein. "It was not an attack on him in any way and he showed great style in recognising that. It was merely a commentary on what we think the trends are in the industry." Slater says another way of thinking about shorting is "I'm trading other people's views on your company, not your company".

The pair also emphasise the cultural sensitivities that global investing demands. Slater, who has lived in the pacific islands, the United States and South America, explains: "Germans generally don't lie to you. The amount of corporate fraud in Germany is fairly limited. The thing that Germans and Japanese have in common is that if it's fraud, it's for loss of face - not to get rich. No-one at Volkswagen stole all the money, it's because something's happened and they covered it up," he says. "Whereas in China, they'll steal the money."

In the US, management are adept at figuring out what investors want to hear and telling them exactly that. "In the meetings, it's like box-ticking."

And Japanese companies, Lowenstein chimes in, "will never answer a question you didn't ask".

Pakistan's cement sector has been a profitable hunting ground for Morphic lately. Lucky Cement, a stock that Lowenstein first came across 10 or 15 years ago, made them a lot of money.

"[Cement is] a really exciting business in an emerging market environment," he says. Morphic also owns D.G. Khan Cement, so it made sense for Lowenstein to do another research visit last year. "Pakistan is not nearly as bad as you think it is but nor will it ever be great. My mantra in emerging markets has always been to look for improvement don't look for perfection," he says. 

"We are always aware of the risks. D. G. Khan is a very liquid stock by Pakistani standards and if we're wrong we can get out. To us, liquidity is critical." He was equally impressed by the booming dining scene (restaurants are a huge part of the consumption economy) which was packed with muti-level eateries. "What that made me realise is security is not a big issue in day-to-day life." The benefit of visiting a country is not just investment intelligence, but also about debunking negative hype, he argues.

In the US where the market is so well researched, the only edge is in having a medium- to long-term view and waiting. "It's a fairly arrogant starting point if you think about it, that somehow you've reached this conclusion that nobody else can figure out," says Slater of the art and science of finding stock ideas. He has concluded it's a good time to short airline stocks in Asia.

Unlike Australia, it can be hard to find stock to borrow in Asian markets for building short positions. But that also means the region is not as picked over by investors as the US is, and the opportunity to add value is greater.

Asked about the current obsession with key man risk in funds management, exemplified by the situation at their former employer following Hall's departure last month, they say they've never tried to run Morphic as Slater & Lowenstein.

Lowenstein, 60, reckons he and Slater aim to be "genuinely replaceable". "I am certainly replaceable," he insists. "If anything was to happen to me, I'm not going to walk out of the business and decide I'm worth $2.50 a share." Peter Hall sold his stake in Hunter Hall for $1 a share, leaving roughly $2.50 of value on the table it was thought at the time.

When it comes to recruiting new talent, he adds, "putting your name on a firm is discouraging". "In the long run, that builds more of an impediment to transitioning your business," says Slater, though an iconic name certainly helps generate interest in the beginning.

Morphic thinks seriously about how it can be more diverse, and part of that is to do away with industry custom and pay its interns. Also, "this industry is very poor at hiring females, we've gone out of our way to try and hire more females," says Slater. 

Their only regret is that they did not enforce an ethical bias to begin with, because it would not have cost them much in historical performance, and they are not instinctively attracted to unethical businesses anyway.

​A stock they like in China and listed in the US is mobile gaming group NetEase.​ It is on a price-earnings multiple of 15-16 times and is cheaper than rival Tencent and most of the Australian market. The chief executive does not speak English, but "it's a bit like my Daiichikosho experience, these guys are not that friendly in terms of investor relations, but look at what they do not what they say."