• The Cost of Armaments
    A series of before-and-after pictures shows the cost to a city that is bombed. A recent example is the UNESCO-listed sites in the Syrian city of Aleppo – one example is shown here. After bombing these sites were all rubble.
  • A Humanist life from Shakespeare
    Actor and 2016 Australian Humanist of the Year, John Bell talks about how Shakespeare has influenced and brought him to a Humanistic outlook on life.

Alternative Facts and Truthiness

Written by Alison Courtice and Published Mon, 23/01/2017 - 13:01
Sean Spicer addressing the press from inside the White House

I made some slight changes to President Trump's press secretary Sean Spicer's first "speech" to make it sound a lot more truthful. Enjoy- 


Recap: The Future of Organised Humanism in Australia

Written by Scott Sharrad and Published Tue, 10/01/2017 - 12:40

On Friday May 27, 2016 after the Annual General Meeting of the Council of Australian Humanist Societies delegates participated in a discussion workshop about the future of organised Humanism in Australia and its role.

Tags: organised Humanism, future, community, advocacy, education, discussion

Humanism and Artificial Intelligence

Written by Mary-Anne Cosgrove and Published Sat, 05/11/2016 - 11:43

Mary-Anne Cosgrove discusses a recent discussion group held by the ACT Humanist Society on the implications of Artificial Intelligence from a Humanist perspective and shares some of the questions and issues discussed

Tags: AH 124, Artificial Intelligence, Consciousness

The Pride Cup: A Case Study in Tackling Homophobia in Sport

Written by Rosslyn Ives and Published Thu, 03/11/2016 - 17:19

Jason Ball spoke about his journey coming out as a gay AFL player at the recent Australian National Humanist Convention and how it led him to be the activist for secular, gay and mental health rights in Australia.

Tags: AH 124, Young AHoY, Pride, LGBTI+

Freethought Activity in Australia: from margins to mainstream

Written by Rosslyn Ives and Published Wed, 14/09/2016 - 10:39

Rosslyn Ives, editor of Australian Humanist, discusses the history of freethought, secularism, rationalism and Humanism in Australia; Its influences and key movers and shakers. It is an expanded version of a contribution she gave at the 'Secularism in the Modern World' conference held in Melbourne on 31 October, 2015

Tags: Issue 122, Freethought, History, Australia, Rationalism, Secularism, Humanism

Latest News

Humanists reject marriage equality plebiscite

Published Wed, 14/09/2016 - 12:32

Today, Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has introduced legislation to hold a marriage equality plebiscite in Parliament.

This plebiscite has been rejected by the people most affected by the issue; LGBTIQ+ Australians who will have to endure the campaign. A campaign that will no doubt be characterised by hateful rhetoric from bigoted religious extremists and fundamentalists.

The Council of Australian Humanist Societies does not support this plebiscite.


Brand new Web Site

Published Thu, 01/09/2016 - 18:44

The Council of Australian Humanist Societies inc is excited to launch our brand new website! 

In the past various past CAHS committee's of CAHS have had trouble in maintaining our web presence due to a variety of reasons (skills being the main one). It is hoped that this redesigned site with a brand new backend will make it much easier for our committeed volunteers to maintain and upload new and interesting articles regularly.


Humanist of the Year awards for 2016 Announced

Published Sun, 08/05/2016 - 03:44

The Council of Australian Humanist Societies inc is pleased to announce the recipients of Australian Humanist of the Year and Young Australian Humanist of the Year.

Tags: News

Safe Schools are essential for all!

Published Thu, 24/03/2016 - 05:01

The Council of Australian Humanist Societies inc. is proud to be among one of many supporters of Safe Schools Coalition Australia.

Tags: News