National news

The "patchwork" of different renewable energy targets from the states and territories will "create widespread power system security problems", according to Danny Price.

Telstra has seen its first-half profit tumble to $1.8 billion, hit by the effects of tougher competition, adverse regulatory rulings and ongoing restructuring.

The Commonwealth Bank's move to lift investor home loan rates is the latest step to slow the rampant housing market, but analysts warn if property prices slow too much they might fall over.

Australian Capital Territory

Christopher Pyne says the Government has no "absolutely no desire or intention" to increase taxes to help pay for the NDIS

New South Wales

Homicide detectives investigate the death of a man, understood to be former Rebels bikie Ricky Ciano, in the NSW Central Tablelands.

The NSW Minister for Racing says that the Government wants greyhound racing to continue, with the industry regulated by a new Commission for Integrity and Welfare to be announced today.

Northern Territory

Mike Fitzpatrick reflects on the ups and downs of his 10-year reign as AFL chairman, including Essendon's doping saga, gambling and the new women's league.

The Chief Minister says Territorians have a right to feel safe, and the increased use of ankle bracelets will reduce crime.

Darwin Middle School marks 10 years of hands-on learning with its school canteen program that sees year nine students run the show.


About 140 passengers on the Sun Princess cruise ship come down with gastro, a fortnight after staff tried to rid the vessel of a norovirus upon returning from another trip.

The brother of Grant Hackett says his family is at the "end of the road" in their struggle with the Olympic swim star's deteriorating mental health and is pleading for help.

Prisoners convicted of murder or manslaughter will now need to identify the location of their victim's body before being eligible for parole in Queensland.

South Australia

Federal funding for the Islamic College of South Australia will be cut off from mid-April after the school failed to meet conditions imposed by the Commonwealth.

The AEMO cannot give guarantees that power load shedding will not happen again in SA.


People with criminal records, single parents and pet owners are facing discrimination when it comes to renting in Tasmania, a tenant's advocacy group says.

Mike Fitzpatrick reflects on the ups and downs of his 10-year reign as AFL chairman, including Essendon's doping saga, gambling and the new women's league.


A Melbourne taxi driver caught doing 144 kilometres an hour in an 80kph zone told police he was speeding because he had to get to a job, police allege.

The AEMO cannot give guarantees that power load shedding will not happen again in SA.

Decades-old bus contracts are holding back the ability to run more services in Melbourne and revamp the declining network, so the system will be overhauled, the Victorian Government says.

Western Australia

A re-elected Barnett Government would take a hard line on public sector reforms and privatise more services to combat state debt, the WA Treasurer reveals.

Kim Beazley, former Labor leader and ambassador to the US, says Pauline Hanson's One Nation is a threat to Australia's national security.