
Oddball, Warrnambool's penguin protector, dies at 15 (that's 105 in dog years)

The dog that gained international fame by guarding a penguin colony on an island off Victoria's south-west coast has died, and there are plans afoot to erect a statue in her honour.

Oddball the fluffy, snow-white Maremma dog died last week at the age of 15 – or 105 in dog years.

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Chip and Edith are two penguins that met and fell in love on the set of Oddball. This is their story.

"Old Oddball has gone to the big chook run in the sky and will rest in peace," the Middle Island Maremma Project posted to Facebook on Wednesday.

About 150 metres offshore from Warrnambool and connected at low tide, Middle Island is home to band of little penguins. Unfortunately marauding foxes had cut the island's population to fewer than 10 birds in 2005.

That led chicken farmer Alan "Swampy" Marsh, who had trained maremmas to protect his free-range chooks, to suggest applying the same tactic for the penguins.

Two dogs, Eudy and Tula, now spend five days a week on the island during the breeding season.


The penguin population was estimated at 130 in 2015.

Oddball's pioneering role as a guardian of the little penguins on Warrnambool's Middle Island was portrayed in the movie Oddball.

Mr Marsh, said Oddball, who was female and not male as portrayed in the move, died on his Dennington farm where she had lived for the past three years.

He said she had had a heart condition for the past three to four years which slowed her down.

Mr Marsh said Oddball was chosen for the ground-breaking role because she was an easy-going dog.

But while she was good with humans, Mr Marsh said Oddball was a hard worker at night, scaring off foxes and other predators that had almost wiped out Middle Island's penguin population.

Oddball's pioneering role in protecting Middle Island's penguin colony was a "cameo" role.

She only stayed on the island for three weeks before she got too lonely and swam back to shore.

However her short stint was enough to prove to the doubters that Mr Marsh's unorthodox idea that Maremma dogs would protect penguins was worth pursuing.

Pairs of dogs were later placed on the island to give them a more enjoyable time and discourage them from fleeing to the mainland in search of company.

Mr Marsh said that after her crusading role, Oddball went to his poultry farm at Purnim where she guarded chickens before returning to Dennington for her final years.

Warrnambool mayor Kylie Gaston believes a statue of Oddball opposite Middle Island would be a fitting tribute.

"I'm aware there are quite a few people who think it would be a good idea to have some sort of sculpture, perhaps across from the island and perhaps this is the impetus for that," Cr Gaston said.

"We are indebted to Oddball," Cr Gaston said.

"I think we need to acknowledge her for the work he did in turning our penguin population around.

"Our thoughts are with Swampy Marsh as well. Oddball was his loyal dog for many years."

Actor Shane Jacobson, who starred in the movie, expressed his sadness at hearing the news.

"The film Oddball was a great Australian story, but the applause truly belongs to that wonderful dog Oddball," Mr Jacobson said.

"The animal kingdom has lost one of its gentle bodyguards. RIP Oddball."

Jacobson went on to buy his own Maremma after filming Oddball.

Richard Keddie, the producer of Oddball, said the news was incredibly sad.

"She and Swampy are heroes," he said. 

"Oddball is such an inspiration for what's possible.

"Oddball sort of changed the world a little bit."

Warrnambool Standard, with AAP