TCS Daily : December 2000 Archives

The Day After Christmas

'Twas the day after Christmas, and all through the land Millions of households awaited digital broadband. Fiber optic lines were strung from the North to the South, In the hopes they'd deliver more than words from one's mouth. But then... Read More

Will E-Commerce Replace Santa?

"Christmas may come but once a year," says Santa Claus, CEO of Saint Nicholas Enterprises. "But after 1,700 years of riding a sleigh all night, I get a bit tired." Still, he plans to stay on the job, he tells... Read More

Close, But No Big Czar

Now that George W. Bush's victory has been sealed, it's time to start thinking seriously about government and technology in the new administration. One idea being floated is to have a high-tech "czar," perhaps with Cabinet rank. I think it's... Read More

Let the Free Market Resolve Online Complaints, Privacy Concerns

A private network could best handle consumer complaints for international transactions, says Duncan MacDonald, former general counsel for credit card operations at Citibank who is advising the American Institute for Contemporary German Studies on the creation of s Read More

After Tight Race, Bush Should Race To Space like JFK

The new president was lightly regarded. He was elected with less than 50 percent of the vote, and many thought that only vote stealing had gained him a narrow victory in the Electoral College over the incumbent two-term vice president... Read More

After Tight Race, Bush Should Race To Space like JFK

The new president was lightly regarded. He was elected with less than 50 percent of the vote, and many thought that only vote stealing had gained him a narrow victory in the Electoral College over the incumbent two-term vice president... Read More

Mad Cow Reality Confronts Phony Biotech Scare

Have Greenpeace protesters finally thrown up one barricade too many against biotechnology and the benefits it offers? In what at first looks like nothing unusual from an organization noted for its catchy name-calling and confrontational theatrics, Italian Greenpeac Read More

Will High-Tech Bankruptcies Start the Next Recession?

Last week, I clicked over to to do a little last minute Christmas shopping for my dogs Rusty and Penny. I was rather wistful as I browsed through the Nylabones (liver flavored or chicken?) because I really would have... Read More

Paul Krugman’s‘In The Tank’ Displays His ‘Upward Failure’

Paul Krugman is one nasty man. The theme in his "Reckonings" column on the op-ed page of The New York Times can be summed up in a few words: "I am smart. People who disagree with me are dumb." Such... Read More

Can The Rule of Law Corral Cyber Crime and Corruption?

At an international conference last month organized by American University's Transnational Crime and Corruption Center in Washington, D.C., Michael Vatis, the director of the National Infrastructure Protection Center and point man for U.S. law enforcement dealing w Read More

Clinton's Sorry Midnight Race into History

A wind chill of minus-17 degrees greeted senior environmental officials from the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan and the South Pacific in Ottawa last Wednesday as they went behind closed doors for two days of talks to try to re-ignite... Read More

Can The Rule of Law Corral Cyber Crime and Corruption?

At an international conference last month organized by American University's Transnational Crime and Corruption Center in Washington, D.C., Michael Vatis, the director of the National Infrastructure Protection Center and point man for U.S. law enforcement dealing w Read More

Sex-Tech, Just in Time for Christmas

Why fight the future? Get an Aibo. It's where the world is headed. For even if a pet-bot leaves you cold, it might prepare you for the sexpot-bots heading our way to heat up the coming century. Today the Aibo,... Read More

A Down Year? Maybe. But Let’s Put It in Perspective

With just three weeks left to go, the year 2000, it now appears, will produce the first losing year in the stock market in a decade. Don't get me wrong. I am not counting this millennial year out. As I... Read More

Clinton’s Sorry Midnight Race into History

A wind chill of minus-17 degrees greeted senior environmental officials from the United States, Canada, Europe, Japan and the South Pacific in Ottawa last Wednesday as they went behind closed doors for two days of talks to try to re-ignite... Read More

Privacy, harassment protections damage freedom

Government`s attempts to set up privacy rights on the Internet and enforce workplace rules on harassment are a back door way to restrict people`s rights to free speech, UCLA legal scholar Eugene Volokh tells TechCentralStation host James Glassman. "When you... Read More

How the High-Tech Sector Is Bridging The Digital Divide

The "digital divide," a term much in the news during the campaign season, refers to the gap between technology haves and have-nots. While still the subject of much debate, politicians and policymakers are devising welfare plans to bridge this perceived... Read More

What Would A New Economy Recession Look Like?

We have mostly focused in this space on the difference between the new and old economy views when times are good. It is time to look at the other side. There was a lot more bad economic news last week.... Read More

Is Telecom’s Future The Bells, The Bells, and Only The Bells?

Where's the competition? Nearly five years after passage of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, it's fading out of sight. In long distance, competition is hotter than ever. Consumers are getting huge breaks on their national and international long-distance calls.. Read More

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