Murderer Tommy Mair became a deranged white supremacist after his mother abandoned him as a child and married a Caribbean immigrant.

He was raised by his grandmother while his divorced mum lived with her black boyfriend and their mixed race baby.

Years later, as an adult, he collected a library of Nazi books – including one that instructed Hitler’s monstrous SS units on the “dangers of race mixing”.

In the days before he killed Jo Cox – hailed as a “champion of UK inclusivity” – Mair was in his local library googling “matricide” (the murder of one’s own mother) and “miscegenation” (breeding between people from different racial backgrounds).

Neighbours describe the unemployed gardener as a kind-hearted “loner”, helping them tend their lawns and even teaching migrants to read English. He was likened locally to the Roy Cropper character in Coronation Street. Yet he secretly bore a twisted hatred of modern Britain.

Video thumbnail, Thomas Mair declines in chair 'nonplussed' as he is questioned on the horror of Jo Cox's murder
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'Nonplussed' Thomas Mair sighs in questioning on Jo Cox
Thomas Mair
Thomas Mair will spend the rest of his life in jail for the murder of MP Jo Cox

In 1991, a year after Nelson Mandela was freed from prison, Mair told a pro-apartheid South African magazine: “I still have faith the white race will prevail, both in Britain and in South Africa. But I fear that it is going to be a very long and very bloody struggle.”

He went on to buy instructions on how to build a gun from US-based neo-Nazis and Nazi memorabilia was found at his council semi in Birstall, West Yorks.

The obsessive compulsive disorder sufferer once told his local newspaper: “Many people who suffer mental illness are socially isolated and disconnected from society.” He sought treatment for depression the day before the killing.

His mother Mary was just 16 when she fell pregnant with him in Scotland.

Mary wed his father James but after giving birth to second son Scott moved to England in the late 1960s. Mair’s aunt Sarah Leckie said James Mair had no further contact with his sons. She added: “On our side of the family, James’s side, no one has ever been in touch with Thomas Mair at all.”

In Yorkshire Mary began a relationship with textile worker Reggie St Louis, who was 11 years older than her and had recently arrived from Grenada. The couple had son Duane in 1973, when Mair was 10.

They moved into a three-bedroom council semi in Batley and married five years later, when Mair was 15. The Mirror understands that from at least the age of 12 he was living with his grandparents in another council house three miles away in Birstall.

Jo Cox
Mair was found guilty of the murder of 41-year-old MP Jo Cox

Ex-neighbour Angela McNamara said of Reggie: “He seemed a nice bloke, very polite, But it was unusual to have mixed race couple in Batley in the 1970s.” Reggie’s aunt Cynthia told the Mirror: “Not lot of people liked such relationships in those days. There’d have been a lot of problems for them.”

Another ex-neighbour of Mair, the same age as him, said: “He was always a bit odd. He never joined in with the rest of the kids as he was growing up. He stayed clear of most people. You get these losers in life. He was never going to amount to anything.”

As West Yorkshire grew multi-cultural, Mair’s far-Right views hardened and he became a National Front supporter. He subscribed to the pro-apartheid South African magazine Patriot.

In 1999, five years after the nation’s first multi-racial elections swept Mandela to power, he wrote in a letter to it: “In my opinion the greatest enemy of the old apartheid system was not the ANC and the Black masses but White liberals and traitors.”

Pic shows firearm recovered from Thomas Mair
A firearm recovered from Thomas Mair

Mair may have been inspired by Right-wing terrorist David Copeland, who in 1999 planted three nail bombs targeting black, Asian and gay people in London – killing three and injuring more than 140. Days after Copeland’s first court appearance, Mair began ordering extremist neo-Nazi material from US group the National Alliance, including details on making bombs and guns.

Jo Cox murder verdict: Far-right extremist Thomas Mair GUILTY of murdering Labour MP in gun and dagger attack

His bookshelf at home was packed with extremist books including March Of The Titans: A History Of The White Race and SS Race Theory And Mate Selection Guidelines.

Mair’s mixed race half-brother Duane, 43, had no inkling of the future killer’s extreme views. He said: “I can’t believe he was involved in this kind of thing. His only mental problem is OCD – he keeps cleaning himself – but he never expressed any opinions to me about politics.”

West Yorkshire Police video handout of Thomas Mair interview
Thomas Mair was a white supremacist

Mary split with Reggie in the 1980s and married a third time but now lives alone in Batley. Her murderous son lived alone a mile away in Birstall for 20 years after his grandmother died. Internet searches reveal he researched a matricide case in Japan where a son killed his mother after she had a mixed-race child.

Mary is struggling to understand how her “dutiful and loving boy” turned into a killer, a friend told the Mirror .

Rose Surman added: “Mary is broken by this. She can’t face talking about it. She is so upset for Jo Cox’s children and husband.

Neo-nazi jewellery found in his home
Neo-nazi jewellery found was in the home of Thomas Mair

“Now she has to live with this for the rest of her life. And she wants the answer to ‘Why?’ Why did her son do this?”

Mary still struggles to sleep, trying to comprehend what he did. Rose added: “In her eyes he is a loving son. He was always coming round to see her. He is very quiet, well spoken. You would not think anything was amiss.”

CCTV of Mair on his way to kill Jo
CCTV of Thomas Mair on the day of the murder

Family friend Diana Peter, 65, told how Mair cut neighbours’ gardens ,taught English to people of all different nationalities and faiths and ‘loved to stop and chat’.

Diana, a friend of 40 year, added: “He was more Father Christmas than Neo Nazi.

"He was quiet, mild mannered, almost meek. If I could see him now I would ask him ‘what triggered all this? Why? It is so sad.”

Nick Lowles, chief executive of the HOPE not hate group, said: “Thomas Mair acted alone but he was inspired by over 30 years of reading Nazi propaganda.

“More needs to be done to tackle the growing threat of Britain’s far Right.”