While drivers on the M8/A8 are facing ten weeks of challenges, the good news is that Transport Scotland are opening the Raith Underpass.

From tomorrow, drivers from Bellshill or East Kilbride will be able to miss out the pinch point of the roundabout at Strathclyde Park and drive straight through the new tunnel.

The works at Strathclyde Park have been creating massive headaches for motorists but now that is all set to change.

The roundabout itself has been made bigger which will aid congestion but the underpass will make a huge difference to thousands of motorists.

In real terms it means around 35,000 fewer vehicles on the roundabout every day.

The underpass, started in the spring of 2014, has been a huge feat of engineering.

The new Raith Underpass will open tomorrow

It is built below the water table of the nearby River Clyde and a series of bunds and flood compensation areas have been included to ensure it remains open at all times.

What’s more, because it is below the water table, it has to have anchors to hold it down.

Scottish Roads Partnership and its main contractor Ferrovial Lagan have installed 1600 piles, each 25 metres in length forming the core of the underpass and the wall panels along the sides are seven metres in length each weighing eight tonnes.

“This was Scotland’s most congested junction,” said Transport Scotland’s project manager Graeme Reid.

Workers at the Raith Underpass

“In the past, congestion from Raith roundabout queued back onto the M74, however, capacity on the M74 will also increase from three lanes to four on both sides at this location.

“The public have not seen the benefit yet because of all the other roadworks but as we start to remove the works and the cones they are really going to see a difference.”

Two footbridges have also been built over the Raith which will allow families to walk or cycle safely to Strathclyde Park without having to cross the busy Raith junction.

Alongside, and as part of the M8/M73/M74 works, 16 kilometres of footpaths and cycle paths have been built stretching from Bargeddie to Newhouse and beyond.