Meet the vile vlogger whose racist rants have made him a global internet sensation

The 34-year-old extremist YouTube star is a jobless ex-student who films his hate-filled videos from a bedroom at his dad's.

The Scots racist whose ­hate-filled videos have made him a global YouTube star can be unmasked by the Record today as a jobless ex-student who lives with his dad.

He found notoriety with his ­Millennial Woes blog and gave a speech at a US rally where far-right ­extremists shouted, “Hail Trump” and made Nazi salutes. He has gone to great lengths to hide his identity.

But today we can name him as Colin Robertson, 34, from Linlithgow.

Sickening vlogger attacks ethnic groups and women in his vile videos

He ­broadcasts his vile rants from a bedroom of his dad’s ­semi-detached house in a quiet street in the town.

The extremist has 20,000 followers on his YouTube “vlogger” channel, where he spouts pathetic white ­supremacist views and promotes hatred of black people, Jews and women.

Foul Millenium Woes YouTube channel

Neighbours in the West Lothian town last night spoke of their shock over the racist living next to them and branded his outbursts as “despicable”.

Acting on information published on Scottish blog website A Thousand Flowers, the Record visited his home yesterday to try to speak to Robertson, but no one answered the door.

Minutes later, a police van arrived at the address after someone called the force and claimed they were being harassed.

Two police officers told our reporter the person inside the property had “no interest whatsoever in speaking”.

We told previously how Robertson delivered a speech at a white ­nationalist conference in ­Washington DC in November.

The rally sparked a political firestorm and forced president-elect Donald Trump to disavow the extremist alt-right, a movement of racist right-wing activists.

Under-fire Trump told the New York Times: “I condemn them. I disavow and I condemn.”

The move followed the release of a video showing supporters giving Nazi salutes and bellowing “Hail Trump” at the annual conference of
the National Policy Institute.

Robertson appeared as a speaker at the event.

The video blogger has posted around 600 videos on YouTube, racking up 20,000 subscribers and 2.1million views.

Robertson spouts hate at a white supremacist event in the US

Neighbours said Robertson has stayed for periods at both his mum and his dad’s houses, which are a short distance apart in the town.

A woman who answered the door at his mother’s house declined to speak yesterday.

Recently Robertson has been living at his father’s home, where blinds were drawn and a white material covered another window next to the front door yesterday.

One neighbour said: “I’ve seen him once or twice, coming or going.

“His views are absolutely ­despicable and it’s worrying that someone like that lives here.

“I value free speech but this crosses all sorts of boundaries that I’m not happy about at all.”

Another resident said: “I’ve known him since he was a child. He’s lived in Linlithgow all his life. Someone told me about the videos so I watched a bit. “It’s a free world where people should be able to speak their mind but they’re a bit dark.

“He makes the videos from his bedroom in his dad’s house.”

Another neighbour said: “I would have nothing to do with him ­whatsoever. Those are the total ­opposite of my views.

Robertson makes videos in dad's house

“You might get the odd one, but those are not the kind of opinions you’ll find among people in Linlithgow.” Robertson admits being reported to police over his videos.

Neighbours said they’d seen police officers call at his home late last year.

It’s understood he attended a London art college in the mid-2000s before launching his YouTube channel in 2013.

Anti-fascist campaigners say he has developed a burgeoning “fanbase” among other deluded far-right fanatics.

Robertson travelled across the US before the Washington DC conference, delivering speeches to fringe groups. At the gathering in America’s capital, he sat on stage as leading alt-right figure Richard Spencer spoke.

Spencer chairs the National Policy Institute, who describe themselves as “an independent organization ­dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States, and around the world”.

In a string of softly spoken rants, Robertson – who claims to earn a living from his YouTube channel – delivers racist and ­misogynistic monologues. In a recent posting, Robertson told how he realised he was a “racist”.

He said: “I just didn’t want loads of black people in my country. It came down to a racial thing, a racial loyalty.

“I didn’t want black people, I didn’t want Indians, I didn’t want Chinese, I didn’t want Arabs, I wanted my country for my people.

“It took me quite a few years to realise the scope of my objection to what I was seeing in the world.”

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