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Getting Started with Twitter for Apple Watch

With Twitter for Apple Watch, you have the ability to do many of the things you know and love on Twitter's mobile apps. With Apple Watch, it's easy to Tweet, view your timeline and browse top trends. 

Getting set up:

If you have the Twitter app on your iPhone, you'll have the option to install Twitter for Apple Watch.

The Twitter account that syncs to your Apple Watch is the one that you're currently logged in to on your iPhone. Note: you won't be able to switch to a different Twitter account from the watch. 

How to Tweet:

Tweeting from the Apple Watch is simple. 

  1. Once you're logged in to the Twitter app, force touch anywhere on the screen to bring up the Tweet icon.
  2. Tap the compose icon. 
  3. Tap the microphone icon to begin composing your Tweet. 
  4. With the Apple Watch, typing your Tweets is a thing of the past. Compose your Tweet by speaking directly into your watch. You'll see your Tweet appear. Note: You can compose a Tweet with a hashtag by saying "hashtag," but you won't be able to @mention any accounts using the Apple Watch. 
  5. If you're satisfied with the Tweet, go ahead and Tweet it. 

Using Timeline:

When you launch the Twitter app on your Apple Watch, you'll see a Timeline option and a Top Trends option. 

Tapping Timeline will let you browse recent Tweets from people you follow. Here are a few tips for using Timeline:

  1. To scroll through your timeline, you can either drag your finger up and down, or you can use Apple Watch's digital crown on the side of the watch. You'll be able to see up to 50 Tweets. 
  2. You can Retweet, reply and like Tweets on your timeline, just like you would on the Twitter apps. 
  3. Since your Apple Watch won't have a browser, you won't be able to click on specific links or hashtags in Tweets that appear in your timeline. 
  4. You'll be able to view profiles from Timeline. See someone interesting? Tap on their name and follow them directly from their profile. You can also unfollow users from this profile view. 

Browsing Top Trends:

Tapping Top Trends  from your Twitter app lets you see what's trending right now. Find an interesting trend? Click it to see what others are saying about that trend. 

Pro tips:

  1. You'll see 10 top trends when you click into the trends view. 
  2. The arrows next to each trend help you see if something is trending up or down. 

How notifications work:

If you look at a notification on your Apple Watch for more than a second, you’ll automatically be taken to a view that expands to show more information. Apple calls this snazzy feature a “long look notification.”

Note: You won’t receive notifications from Twitter on both your iPhone and your Apple Watch. If you are using your iPhone, you will only receive notifications on your phone.

You’ll receive notifications on your Apple Watch for all Twitter accounts on your iPhone -- not just the account you’re currently logged in to. If you interact (Retweet, like, etc.) with a notification from an account that’s not your primary, logged-in account, that action will appear on the account that received the notification.

You can always use the Apple Watch app on your iPhone to manage how you receive notifications on your watch.