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About conversations on Twitter

Conversations are happening all the time on Twitter—and it all starts with just one reply to a Tweet.

It’s easy to follow and join conversations: We show you the most interesting content in the conversations first, and it’s easy to follow along with what people are saying.

Conversation ranking
Direct reply count 

Conversation ranking

You may notice that some replies in a conversation are not shown in chronological order. Replies are grouped by sub-conversations because we strive to show you the best content first, and what we think you’d be most interested in. For example, when ranking a reply higher, we consider factors such as if the original Tweet author has replied, or if a reply is from someone you follow.

Direct reply count

Just like you can see the total number of likes and Retweets for any Tweet, you can also see how many people are participating in the conversation by the reply count. You’ll see a number next to the reply icon  indicating how many direct replies the original Tweet has received. This number is not the total number of replies in the entire conversation.



Note: To learn about muting notifications for a conversation, read our Advanced muting options on Twitter article.