BBC World Service인증된 계정


News, views and highlights from the BBC’s international radio station.

가입일: 2007년 2월

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정말로 이 트윗을 보실 건가요? 트윗 보기는 @bbcworldservice 님의 차단을 해제하지 않습니다.

  1. Turkey's government wants to shut all Gülen schools. But what exactly do they do? 📻

    Turkish Muslim cleric Fethullah Gulen, sits at his residence in Saylorsburg, USA
  2. How are these bright condoms helping Indian lorry drivers?

  3. Why acting out of character can be exciting – but can also come at a cost 📻

  4. If 1.1 million children from 50 countries all ran in a race together, who would win? 📻

  5. Why are campaigners at the University of Ghana calling for a statue of Gandhi to be removed? 📻

  6. Governor of North Carolina declares state of emergency in Charlotte as unrest over a police shooting continues

  7. Was the Indus civilisation a real Utopia? It flourished for 700 years without any wars. 📻

  8. How texting took off amongst shy Finnish boys who wanted to express themselves indirectly. 📻

  9. Assad adviser calls UN claims about barrel bombs and chlorine gas "incorrect, irresponsible and unfounded" 📻

  10. US envoy calls for 'toxic reservoir of distrust' to end in the Democratic Republic of Congo 📻

  11. Chinese space station will fall to Earth, but nobody knows when 📻

  12. You're an introvert working in an office full of extroverts. What do you do? 📻

  13. Does having a tattoo make it harder to get hired? 📻

  14. The Royal Opera House will co-produce the only opera written by the famous sitar player, Ravi Shankar 📻

  15. How has the US changed during Obama's term as president? + answered viewers' questions:

  16. The art installation where you get to sit in virtual rooms with people you've never met. 📻

  17. Would you hire someone with tattoos? 📻

  18. The BBC journalist assassinated with a poison-tipped umbrella in September 1978.

  19. What is life like for a reporter on the front line with Islamic State? 📻

  20. Employers in the UK have been told not to reject job applicants simply because they have a

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