Customs and Border Protection

(U//FOUO) CBP Killing or Capturing Cartel Leaders Has No Effect on Drug Trafficking

CBP BorderStat drug seizure information was used to evaluate seizure statistics in relation to the arrest or death of key DTO personnel. The drug seizure data was collected from January 2009 through January 2010. This data was analyzed to determine if the arrest or death of key personnel had a direct impact on the flow of U.S.-bound drugs. This research indicates that there is no perceptible pattern that correlates either a decrease or increase in drug seizures due to the removal of key DTO personnel.

(SSI) DHS-CBP-TSA Terrorist Watchlist Screening Implementation User’s Guide

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) merges the capability to anticipate, preempt, and deter threats to the homeland whenever possible through its component agencies. Under the guidance of its Screening Coordination Office, DHS directed U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to combine the Advance Passenger Information System (APIS) Pre-Departure and Secure Flight concepts and systems to provide “One DHS Solution” to the commercial aviation industry consistent with applicable authorities and statutes.

U.S. DHS/CBP Female Suicide Bomber Threat Assessment

(U/FOUO) In the aftermath of the Christmas Day suicide bombing attempt over Detroit, it has become apparent that terrorist organizations continue to scrutinize and attempt to circumvent border security procedures by using a variety of methods. One such method that has not been fully analyzed is the possible use of female operatives. The media has recently reported information suggesting that al-Qa’ida will expand the scope of the female suicide bomber outside of Iraq to include western airliners.

DHS Deceased Internal Cocaine Smuggling Photos

On 6/21/2007, Juan Carlos GOMEZ arrived at Miami International Airport from Bogota, Colombia, on Avian flight #008. Passenger GOMEZ presented himself for inspection to CBPO Ortiz at Passport Control at 2311 hrs. CBPO Ortiz admitted GOMEZ as a USC and referred him to Baggage Control Secondary to verify his parole status as Ortiz indicated prior drug arrest. At approximately 2335 hrs GOMEZ presented his CBP form 6059B to the primary baggage control officer and was escorted to baggage secondary for further examination. The floor coordinator was informed of the situation and assigned CBPO Medrano to conduct GOMEZ’s secondary inspection at 2340 hrs. SCBPOs Adan and Sanfilippo were also informed of GOMEZ’s record.

Customs and Border Protection Secure Freight Initiative Brief

The Security Filing, commonly known as the “10+2” initiative, is a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) regulation that requires importers and vessel operating carriers to provide additional advance trade data to CBP pursuant to Section 203 of the SAFE Port Act of 2006 and section 343(a) of the Trade Act of 2002, as amended by the Maritime Transportation Security Act of 2002, for non-bulk cargo shipments arriving into the United States by vessel.

DHS/CBP Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS)

Provides Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS), operations, maintenance, technical support, pilots, and sensor operators to surveil the Southwest border of the United States. Over the next several years UAV border surveillance will improve sensor/video surveillance capabilities of the current, monitored base system through persistent 24 hours per day / 7 days per week surveillance; integrate new surveillance technologies (aerial sensor suites), and increase interoperability with other law enforcement agencies and initiatives.