TweetDeck pro tips
TweetDeck allows users to personalize their Twitter experience by customizing multiple columns—ideal for highly active users who need to consume or analyze lots of information.
Create a collection
With collections, you can organize Tweets according to topics, events, interests, conversations, and more, all in real-time. Add your collections as columns, and Tweet the URL to share it with others.
To create a collection on TweetDeck:
- From the navigation bar, click on the plus icon
to select Add column.
Tip: You can also use the keyboard shortcut A, to add a new column to your dashboard. - Select Collections from the menu options.
- To start a new timeline select Create collection.
- Click on the Account drop-down menu to choose which account you’d like the collection to belong to. Type in a title for your collection in the Name field, and add a Description (optional).
- Click Save.
Tip: You can change the title and description of your collection at any time. To update your title, simply click into the title field and edit. To update your description, click the pencil iconto edit, then click on the checkmark icon
to save.
To add or remove Tweets from your collection:
- Find a Tweet you would like to add to your collection and select the more icon
- From the drop-down menu, select Add to collection.
Note: You can also hover your cursor over your selected Tweets, then click the drag iconto add Tweets to your collection.
- Click the checkbox next to the collection(s) you’d like to add the Tweet to, then click Done.
- Newly added Tweets will appear at the top of the collection column.
- To reorder Tweets in your collection, click the drag icon
and move the selected Tweet up or down in your collection.
Note: You can also copy a Tweet from one collection to another by holding down the drag icon and moving the desired Tweet to another collection column. - To remove a Tweet, simply click on the X icon on a Tweet within in a collection.
To share your collection:
- Click the filter icon
at the top of your collection to access the column’s options menu.
- Click the share icon, then choose between: Embed collection, View on, or Tweet about this timeline.
Schedule Tweets
TweetDeck allows users to schedule Tweets in advance. If you manage multiple accounts through TweetDeck, you have the option to schedule Tweets for each of them.
For those who use TweetDeck in a corporate environment, note that all scheduled Tweets for accounts connected to your TweetDeck are visible to anyone with access.
To schedule a Tweet:
- Sign in to your TweetDeck account and click the Tweet compose icon
- Confirm that the Twitter account(s) you'd like to tweet from are selected.
- Compose your Tweet. Include an image with the Tweet by clicking Add images.
- Click Schedule Tweet and select the date and time you’d like the Tweet posted.
- Click Schedule Tweet at [date/time].
Tip: View and edit your scheduled Tweets by adding a Scheduled column. Read about adding columns to your TweetDeck in this article.
Advanced search
After you run a search, you will be given the option to customize your results even further. You can alter your search in several ways: "showing," "matching," "excluding," "written in," and "retweets." You will find these filter options at the top of your search results. Once you have added a search as a column, you can find these options again by opening the filter menu next to the column title.
Search history
TweetDeck makes it easy for you to re-run searches that you have previously completed. Click on the search icon located in the navigation bar and your previous searches will be displayed in a drop-down menu. You can always clear your previous searches by clicking on Clear history at the bottom on the drop-down menu.
When you begin to type characters into the search box, TweetDeck will run a real-time search that attempts to autocomplete your search term, surfacing potentially relevant search topics and accounts. Different search topics will be shown on the top half of the drop-down menu, whereas user accounts will be shown on the bottom half.
If you select one of the suggested search terms, you will be given the option to browse users related to that search topic or Tweets related to that search term.
It's easy to uncover sentiment surrounding a topic; simply search for a topic followed by a happy or sad emoticon. For example, you can create a search column with the keyword "San Francisco :)" to see Tweets regarding San Francisco in a positive manner.
Customize your search results by including a filter. Every search column can be filtered by selecting on the column. Choose to filter by:
- Content: Tweets matching keywords, media type, dates and time, language, or including or excluding Retweets
- Location: Tweets geotagged in a specified locations
- Users: Tweets from a specific account, members of a list, or verified accounts
- Engagement: Tweets with a minimum number of Retweets, likes, or replies
You can also apply the following filters to a search by adding them to your search query:
- filter:replies
- filter:hashtag
- filter:links
- filter:news
For example: If you want to search for Tweets mentioning "#SanFrancisco" that link to news stories, you can search for "#SanFrancisco filter:news" in the content matching section.
The asterisk is also a powerful filtering tool in a TweetDeck search column. You can run searches using the keywords such as “San Francisco is *.” This will yield Tweets containing text such as, “ San Francisco is pretty,” “San Francisco is small,” etc.
List management
TweetDeck allows you to manage your lists easily in one centralized place for all your accounts.
To create a list on TweetDeck:
- From the navigation bar, click on the plus icon
to select Add column, then click on Lists.
- Click the Create list button.
- Select the Twitter account you would like to create the list for.
- Name the list and give it a description then select if you would like the list to be publicly visible or not (other users can subscribe to your public lists).
- Click Save.
- Add suggested accounts or search for users to add members to your list, then click Done.
To edit a list on TweetDeck:
- Click on Lists, from the plus icon
in the navigation bar.
- Select the list you would like to edit.
- Click Edit.
- Add or remove list members or click Edit Details to change the list name, description, or account. You can also click Delete list.
- When you're finished making changes, click Done.
To designate a list to a column:
- Click on the plus icon
to select Add column.
- Click on the Lists option from the menu.
- Select which list you would like to make into a column.
- Click Add Column.
Embedded Tweets
TweetDeck makes it easy to create an embedded Tweet directly from the app.
- Hover over the Tweet that you wish to embed.
- Click on the more icon
- Select Embed this Tweet, add copy the code that is displayed.
Mute keywords
TweetDeck allows you to mute Tweets across the entire application by text source. To access and edit your keyword mutes:
- Click on the gear icon
in navigation menu and select Settings.
- Click the Mute tab.
- Select which type of mute you would like to utilize then enter the text of your choice in the given field.
- Click Mute, then click Done.
Mute accounts
TweetDeck lets you mute accounts across your Home, Notification and Activity columns.
To mute an account from a profile:
- Click on a username to open their profile.
- Click the profile icon
next to the follow button.
- Select Mute @account from the dropdown.
To mute an account from a Tweet:
- Click the more icon
from any Tweet.
- Select Mute @account from the dropdown menu.
Tweets from a specific user
You can designate a column to display a specific user’s Tweets. Just add a Tweet column and search for the user you would like featured in the search box.
Keyboard shortcuts
TweetDeck has a powerful set of keyboard shortcuts that allow you to breeze through the app.
The following shortcuts work from anywhere within TweetDeck:
- A: add a column
- S: search
- N: new Tweet
- CTRL/CMD+return: send new Tweet
- ESC: close pop-up/cancel search
- ?: show full keyboard shortcut list
Navigate through Tweets using the following shortcuts:
- 1-9: navigate through columns 1 through 9
- 0: jump to last column on the right
- Left arrow key: move selection left
- Right arrow key: move selection right
- Up arrow key: move selection up
- Down arrow key: move selection down
When you have selected a Tweet you can perform the following actions using shortcuts:
- Return/Enter: opens selected Tweet
- Backspace/ Delete: takes you back to the main column
- R: directly reply to Tweet from a column
- T: directly retweet a Tweet from a column
- F: like the Tweet
- D: Direct Message the Tweet author
- P: show user profile for Tweet author
Reorder your columns
The column of icons listed on the left navigation bar, including Home , Activity
, Notifications
, and mentions
, represent your TweetDeck column order. To change the order, click an icon and drag it to your desired placement.