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Journal of the Communist Party of Australia


The Australian Marxist Review welcomes articles from readers and contributions
to AMR Dialogue, including letters and brief articles raising new ideas or presenting
short commentaries on issues raised in the current journal or in previous AMRs


Editorial Notes

Judging by readers’ comments, the revitalised Australian Marxist Review has been most welcome and helpful. Thank you to those who expressed such encouraging opinion.  more ...

State of emergency: The militarisation of civil society and the decline of politics post 9/11

by Jude McCulloch
Two years ago Australia’s Parliament House — the country’s most potent symbol of democracy — was closed to the public and subject to a virtual military lockdown to secure an address to Parliament by visiting United States President George W Bush.  more ...

Materialism, idealism and the IR laws

by John Bailey
A world outlook is a general account of the nature of the world and of people’s place in it. Our world outlook is often known as our "ideology” and comprises our political, philosophical, ethical and aesthetic view of the world.  more ...

Democratic rights, social values, the Christian Right

by Anna Pha
Thirty years ago anyone proposing some of the extreme changes that are taking place now would not have been taken seriously. Many past gains are being rolled back and anti-democratic, repressive measures are being introduced.  more ...

Australia and the rise of fascism

by Drew Cottle
Fascism attempted to control the anarchy of capitalism through barbarism. European fascism became a mass political phenomenon which represented the atavistic responses of the bourgeoisie and petit-bourgeoisie threatened by the deepening class struggle, recession, mass unrest, revolutionary Russia and the organised working class and socialist parties.  more ...

Building the party, building alliances

by Janice Hamilton
My branch is an example of how a party organisation and party members can build left and progressive alliances and make alliances successful in the broad left movement in a region and also bring together several participating organisations.  more ...

Editorial Board Members:

Eddie Clynes (Editor), John Bailey, Rob Gowland, Hannah Middleton, Peter Symon.

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