Launch Details

Let's Make Trade Fair

Launch of Discussion Material

The project will be publicly launched on Wednesday February 22, 2017, at 6pm, in the Sydney Trades Hall Auditorium.

People’s movement needed to achieve a progressive alternative economic agenda


Media Release

June 25, 2015

People’s movement needed to achieve
a progressive alternative economic agenda -

Confronting Abbott's Anti-Worker Agenda - Steven Murphy AMWU

Steven Murphy addresses the question: What can we learn from the Your Rights at Work Campaign? What are the Strengths Weaknesses of the Fair Work Act? See pdf attachments for speaker note and slides.

From Common Action's forum: After Busting the Budget: Confronting Abbott's Anti-Worker Agenda, Sydney, 15th September 2014

After Busting the Budget – Confronting Abbott’s Anti-Worker Agenda

A Common Action Forum

Date: Monday, September 15

Venue: Sydney Mechanics School of Arts, Mitchell Theatre

Time: 6.15pm for 6.30pm start to 8.30pm (Edinburgh Castle Hotel afterwards)

6.30pm-6.40pm – Welcome and Introductions – MC – Dr Mehreen Faruqi, NSW Greens MLC

Foreign companies could sue our governments!

Take Action: Email your Senator!

Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development

Video link from Saturday’s (July 19) action on the G20 Trade Ministers

Bust the Budget Mass Rally July 6

Australians are outraged at the lies of the Abbott government, and clearly see the Budget as an attack on Australian society. 
The new Senate sits on Monday July 7 and it will be under intense pressure from Abbott to cave in to his Budget. But Australian citizens can stand up for a democratic Parliament and ensure that Senators know that they can defy the threats and abuse they will be facing from the Abbott government and the Murdoch media.


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