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Girls HBO sunshine

If you’ve ever felt depressed, someone’s probably told you to get outdoors and soak up some tasty vitamin D.

Because how could you possibly feel sad while sunbaking on the beach?

According to research from the Royal Women’s Hospital, Royal Melbourne Hospital and University of Melbourne, that advice is essentially useless for young Australian women with mental health issues.

Their study investigated links between mental health and vitamin D among 353 women aged 16 - 25 living in Victoria. Sun exposure is the best natural source of vitamin D.

“We found no association between depressive symptoms, anxiety symptoms, or psychological distress with vitamin D status. And we looked at it both as continuous levels, as well as vitamin D deficiency,” researcher and PHD student from the Royal Women's Hospital Emma Callegari told Hack.

Emma Callegari said the results were unexpected.

“From overseas studies, a lot of evidence suggested that those with higher vitamin D levels had better mental health.”

The research also found that the seasons didn’t affect the young women’s mental health - even though vitamin D levels were lower in winter and higher in summer.

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24-year-old Victorian woman Suzi, who participated in the study, said she expected researchers would find a link between vitamin D and depression.

“If I walk into work and it’s a sunny day, I’ll start the day feeling happier. So on a personal level, I definitely feel happier when I’ve had sun exposure,” Suzi told Hack.

Through participating in the study, Suzi found out she actually had low levels of vitamin D .

“When I found out I was low in vitamin D, but I hadn’t personally experienced any mental health issues or mood issues - I suppose I kind of disproved my own hypothesis!” Suzi says.

“It’s good to be able to rule something out.”

High levels of psychological distress among young women

While the study didn’t find any link between vitamin D levels and poor mental health, researchers noted an unusually high level of “general psychological distress” among its participants.

38 per cent of the women who participated in the study presented high or very high psychological distress - such as low moods and heightened emotions.

In ABS data published last year, women aged 18-24 were the demographic with the highest rate of psychological distress in 2014 - 2015. They were also the only demographic whose rate of high psychological distress increased since the previous survey in 2011 - 2012.

The unusually high levels of high psychological distress among young Australian women is something that should be investigated further, Emma Callegari says, and believes there’s also more room for follow-up research on vitamin D from their initial results.

“One main point with the study is that we didn’t have a high prevalence of severe vitamin D deficiency, so that may be one possibility for why we had negative findings.

“There is still some work to be done with women who have severe vitamin D deficiency as well as looking at vitamin D deficiency long term - so those that have chronically low levels - do their mental health symptoms get worse, or stay the same?

“The best evidence possible would be to study women who take vitamin D supplements, and in the longer term investigate if their mental health scores stay the same or change.”

So what should young Australian women take from this research?

Chief investigator Professor John Wark said young Australian women shouldn’t blame poor mental health on low vitamin D levels or sun exposure.

“Most young Australian women can rest assured that they don’t need to lose too much sleep about vitamin D and their mental health,” Professor Wark told Hack.

YFHI is currently still recruiting and conducting two-year follow up assessments with the initial cohort of participants. Visit or head to the YFHI Facebook page for more information.

  • Author Ange McCormack

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