Inter-American Commission of Women



Established in 1928, the Inter-American Commission of Women (CIM) is the only hemisperic policy forum on women's rights and gender equality in the Americas. Read More...

Latest News

  • Violence against women in politics
    [November 11th 2016]
    In preparation for the "Regional Dialogue: The role of electoral institutions in combating political violence against women" (November 16th and 17th, Mexico City) CIM has published a fact sheet on violence against women in politics and the Declaration on this issue that was adopted by the Conference of States Party to the Belém do Pará Convention in 2015.
    Fact Sheet in English or Spanish
    "Declaration on Political Harassment and Violence Against Women" in English or Spanish
    Agenda of the "Regional Dialogue: The role of electoral institutions in combating political violence against women" (available only in Spanish)

  • Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Motherhood in the Americas
    [November 1st 2016]
    In the framework of International Day for the Elimination of Violence against women, the CIM will organize an international forum on Child, Early and Forced Marriage and Motherhood in the Americas, with a view to identifying gaps in our knowledge of these issues and establishing concrete legislative and public policy reform recommendations.
    The forum will take place on November 29th 2016 at OAS Headquarters. To register, visit Eventbrite
    Download the agenda in English or Spanish
    Download the speaker bios in English or Spanish
    Follow the live Webcast

  • Using ICTs to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women
    [October 28th]
    The Inter-American Telecommunications Commission (CITEL) has published the list of proposals accepted to the Competition on the Use of ICTs to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women. The proposals are being considered by an Evaluating Committee and the top three proposals will be announced and awarded a prize during the 30th Meeting of the Permanent Consultative Committee I of the CITEL in early 2017.
    Download the full list of proposals under consideration (in Spanish only)

  • Virtual Course “Gender Equality and Rights Perspective in Policies, Programs and Projects"
    [September 13th]
    From October 19th to December 21st 2016, the CIM in collaboration with the Educational Portal of the Americas will offer the 8th edition of this course, in Spanish only, with a view to contributing to strengthening the capacities of people from various types of institutions to integrate a gender and rights perspective in the design, formulation, imlementation, monitoring and evaluation of policies, programs and projects in different sectors.
    The deadline to register is October 13th 2016, on the Portal's Website (in Spanish only)

  • Virtual Course “Gender-Based Strategic Planning"
    [August 1st]
    The CIM, in collaboration with the Educational Portal of the Americas, launches the 1st edition of this virtual course, in Spanish, in order to provide participants with a set of tools to support organizational gender mainstreaming, through planning that considers the gendered impacts of actions.
    Classes begin on August 10th and more information can be found (in Spanish) on the Portal's Website

  • Exchange of Good Practices: Challenges in the Elimination of Violence against Women:
    [July 1st]
    This Regional Dialogue will be held on July 26 and 27, 2016, in Pachuca, Hidalgo, Mexico, as a follow up to former forums on good practices in gender, justice and violence, organized by the CIM in Buenos Aires (2013), Pachuca (2014) and Medellin (2015). The event is based on the importance of creating opportunities for cooperation, understanding and exchange of best practices and lessons learned with a view to achieving women’s right to live a life free from violence.
    More info... 

  • The CIM invites reflection on progress in the recognition of women's rights at the 46th OAS General Assembly
    [June 15th]
    The Executive Secretary of the CIM, Carmen Moreno, participated on behalf of the President of the CIM, Minister Marcela Huaita, at the 46th OAS General Assembly held on June 13-15 in Dominican Republic. The Executive Secretary delivered 3 reports on the work of the Commission and referred to the new Strategic Plan of the CIM for 2016-2021, which seeks to build on the progress made in the implementation of the previous Plan in order to maximize limited resources and focus on fundraising for specific activities.
    Remarks by the Executive Secretary

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