Jeff Kennett says 'enough is enough' on Amber Harrison, Tim Worner scandal

Updated February 15, 2017 08:57:00

Seven West Media director Jeff Kennett has called 'enough is enough' on fallout from chief executive Tim Worner's affair with Amber Harrison. The former Victorian premier has hit back at Ms Harrison who has been accused of leaking confidential Seven documents on Twitter despite receiving a $330,000 payout. Mr Kennett spoke with the ABC's Peter Ryan.

Jeff Kennett, director, Seven West Media

Source: AM | Duration: 3min 54sec

Topics: australia


Later this morning, Tim Worner - the embattled chief executive of Seven West Media - will face investors under pressure to explain his affair with a former executive assistant Amber Harrison.

The scandal has damaged Seven's reputation to the point where the company went to court to stop Ms Harrison from leaking confidential Seven documents on Twitter.

But Jeff Kennett, the former Victorian premier and Seven West director says enough is enough and he's rejected claims that Seven is trying to destroy Amber Harrison with its legal muscle.

Jeff Kennett, director, Seven West Media