Budget 1999-2000
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Budget documents are available in HTML, and for downloading in portable document (PDF) and rich text (RTF) formats.

Budget Papers

Select a Budget Document to view from the list below or see all available downloads at once on the Document Index page:

Alternate Sites

To facilitate efficient access to Budget information on the Web, all Budget information will be available for viewing and downloading at the following sites:

Portfolio Budget Statements

The following Australian Government Agencies' have their Portfolio Budget Statements available at the following sites:

Purchasing Budget Information

All Budget documents will be available from AusInfo shops in both printed and on-line (PC) versions on Budget night from 7.30 PM (AEST).

To order your copy of the 1999-2000 Commonwealth Budget, contact Ausinfo:

Web: http://www.ausinfo.gov.au/
Mail: Mail Order Sales
GPO Box 84
Canberra ACT 2601
Telephone:    132 447 (toll free within Australia, 24-hour service)
Fax: (02) 6295 4888 (national)
+ 612 6295 4888 (international)

Questions? Comments? Problems? Send mail to webmaster@treasury.gov.au
Page Last Modified: Tuesday, May 11, 1999 7:30 PM AEST