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Australian Government Coat of Arms

Budget | 2015-16

Budget 2015-16
Australian Government Coat of Arms, Budget 2015-16
Budget Paper No. 1: Budget Strategy and Outlook

Budget Paper No. 1

Budget Strategy and Outlook 2015‑16

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Budget Paper No. 1: Budget Strategy and Outlook 2015‑16 3MB
Statement 1: Budget Overview
Provides an overview of the economic and fiscal outlook. Discusses the Government's budget priorities and fiscal strategy.
Statement 2: Economic Outlook
Provides a discussion of the economic forecasts that underlie the Budget estimates. Discusses the outlook for the domestic and international economies, and provides medium-term projections.
Statement 3: Fiscal Strategy and Outlook
Provides a discussion of the Government's fiscal strategy, the major budget aggregates and changes in the fiscal outlook since the 2014‑15 MYEFO. Provides a discussion on the sensitivity of budget estimates to changes in economic conditions, and on confidence intervals around the economic and fiscal forecasts.
Statement 4: Revenue
A discussion of the changes in the revenue outlook.

Statement 4: Revenue - online supplementary tables

Statement 5: Expenses and Net Capital Investment
A discussion of Australian Government expenses and net capital investment, including changes since the 2014‑15 MYEFO.
Statement 6: Debt Statement, Assets and Liabilities
Includes the Debt Statement and information on the major assets and liabilities on the Government’s balance sheet.
Statement 7: Forecasting Performance and Scenario Analysis 325KB
Statement 8: Statement of Risks
Discusses a range of factors that may influence the actual budget outcome in future years. This includes general fiscal risks, specific contingent liabilities and specific contingent assets.
Statement 9: Australian Government Budget Financial Statements
Provides a single set of financial statements and discusses reporting standards, budget concepts and major budget aggregates.
Statement 10: Historical Australian Government Data
Reports historical data for the Australian Government fiscal aggregates across the general government, public non‑financial corporations and non-financial public sectors.