Australian Government, 2007?08 Budget

Budget Paper No. 1
Budget Strategy and Outlook 2007-08
Publication/Part PDF

Budget Paper No. 1: Budget Strategy and Outlook 2007-08




Statement 1: Fiscal Strategy and Budget Priorities


  • Provides an overview of the economic and fiscal outlook.
  • Discusses the Government's budget priorities and medium-term fiscal strategy.

Statement 2: Fiscal Outlook


  • Provides a brief discussion of the major budget aggregates and changes since the 2006-07 MYEFO.
  • Provides a discussion on the sensitivity of budget estimates to changes in economic conditions.

Statement 3: Economic Outlook


  • Provides a discussion of economic developments since the 2006‑07 MYEFO.
  • Discusses the outlook for the domestic and international economies, and provides economic forecasts.

Statement 4: Australia's Labour Force Utilisation


  • Examines Australia's labour force utilisation in international and historical context, and the role of recent Government policy in influencing labour market decisions.
  • Examines characteristics of casual employment and the relationship between flexible labour markets and employment security.
  • A forward look is taken at the likely long-term trend in labour utilisation.

Statement 5: Revenue


  • A discussion of the changes in the revenue outlook since the 2006‑07 MYEFO.

Statement 6: Expenses and Net Capital Investment


  • A discussion of Australian Government expenses and net capital investment, including changes since the 2006‑07 MYEFO.

Statement 7: Asset and Liability Management


  • Discusses the management of the major assets and liabilities on the Government's balance sheet.
  • Provides detailed information on Australian Government net debt and net worth.

Statement 8: Financial Reporting Standards and Budget Concepts


  • Discusses reporting standards, budget concepts and major budget aggregates.

Statement 9: Government Finance Statistics Statements


  • Provides Government Finance Statistics financial statements for Australian Government sectors.

Statement 10: Australian Accounting Standards Financial Statements


  • Provides Australian Accounting Standards financial statements and accompanying notes for the Australian Government general government sector.
  • Provides additional Australian Government agency statistics.

Statement 11: Statement of Risks


  • Discusses a range of factors that pose a risk to the actual budget outcome in future years. These risks include changes in parameters, fiscal risks and contingent liabilities.

Statement 12: Trends in Public Sector Finances


  • Provides trends in finances for the Australian and State/local levels of government along with the consolidated non-financial public sector.

Statement 13: Historical Australian Government Data


  • Provides historical Australian Government data for the general government sector, the public non-financial corporations sector and the non‑financial public sector.

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