1997-98 Commonwealth Budget

The 1997-98 Commonwealth Budget is available in Word6.x and Acrobat PDF v3 format (where available).

The entire budget is also available for download in either Word 6 or Acrobat PDF format - you will need Winzip or PKunzip to uncompress this files.

Zip Word
Download entire budget in
Word 6 zipped format
(1.45 MB)
Zip Acrobat
Download entire budget in
Acrobat PDF zipped format
(3.15 MB)

Table of Contents

Press Releases (No. 39-62)
1997-98 Budget Speech
Budget Paper 1 - "Budget Strategy and Outlook 1997-98"
Budget Paper 2 - "Budget Measures 1997-98"
Budget Paper 3 - "Federal Financial Relations 1997-98"
Budget Paper 4 - "The Commonwealth Public Account"
Ministerial Statements

Budget Related Papers

The following sites have Budget related information available: