Jane Norman covers federal politics for ABC News 24, TV news bulletins, radio news and online.
| UpdatedOnce it's fully operational, the NDIS will be one of the biggest Government-funded program after Medicare. But where will those funds come from?
Topics: disabilities, health, health-administration, health-insurance, health-policy, australia
| UpdatedThe Federal Government warns they may have to raise taxes to help pay for the National Disability Insurance Scheme if the Senate continues to block its omnibus saving bill.
Topics: government-and-politics, federal-government, tax, australia
| UpdatedNewly independent senator Cory Bernardi is on a crusade to "clean up Canberra", urging Parliament to crack down on entitlements for retired prime ministers who have only served a single term.
Topics: parliament, federal-parliament, government-and-politics, australia
| UpdatedAustralian Islamic State fighter Khaled Sharrouf, who slipped out of the country in 2013 using his brother's passport, becomes the first dual national to be stripped of citizenship under the Federal Government's anti-terror laws.
Topics: terrorism, unrest-conflict-and-war, security-intelligence, defence-and-national-security, australia
| UpdatedThe Federal Government has combined a range of stalled and revised welfare measures into a single bill to try to force nearly $4 billion in savings through the Parliament.
Topics: government-and-politics, federal-government, budget, child-care, welfare, tax, australia
| UpdatedOutspoken Liberal senator Cory Bernardi is set to announce he is leaving the Coalition to form his own political party called Australian Conservatives, leaving his colleagues struggling to guess if any MPs will jump ship and join him.
Topics: government-and-politics, federal-government, political-parties, liberals, sa, australia
| UpdatedFormer prime minister Tony Abbott praises his Government's crackdown on the Disability Support Pension, saying it was far too easy for people with "a bad back and a bit of depression" to access the benefit.
Topics: federal-parliament, federal-government, government-and-politics, abbott-tony, liberals, disabilities, australia
| UpdatedThe Federal Government is being warned Australia is in danger of losing its position as an Antarctic leader, as well as its claim over the frozen continent, unless it maintains funding for its scientific research program.
Topics: government-and-politics, science-and-technology, research, australia, antarctica
| UpdatedAustralian Antarctic scientists are in the race to find the "holy grail of climate science", a piece of ice so old that it might be able to reveal the climate of the past and help predict the future.
Topics: science-and-technology, earth-sciences, environment, climate-change, antarctica
| UpdatedAustralian scientists in Antarctica hail a $45-million funding boost as a "game-changer" that will allow them to step up their search for the "holy grail of climate science" — the Million-Year Ice Core.
Topics: science-and-technology, climate-change, environment, antarctica, australia
| UpdatedThe Federal Government is negotiating with key crossbenchers who want a 13 per cent backpacker tax as the clock counts down to the end of Parliament.
Topics: rural, rural-tourism, federal-government, government-and-politics, tax, australia
They say politics is the art of compromise, and it took a whole lot of that to get the ABCC bill passed. Here are some of the amendments made, and deals done, to get the crossbenchers' support.
Topics: government-and-politics, federal-government, federal-parliament, building-and-construction, business-economics-and-finance, industrial-relations, australia
| UpdatedThe Federal Opposition calls for Attorney-General George Brandis to be sacked over a "secret" deal struck with the West Australian Government to claw back nearly $1 billion from the collapse of Alan Bond's Bell Group.
Topics: government-and-politics, federal-government, australia, wa
Nationals leader Barnaby Joyce says he "absolutely" supports his Senate colleagues' decision to cross the floor and vote against the Government on the controversial Adler shotgun import ban.
Topics: federal-parliament, law-crime-and-justice, australia
The Federal Government is ramping up pressure on the states and territories to reform their adoption laws to give the tens of thousands of children in state care the prospect of moving into a permanent home.
Topics: community-and-society, family-and-children, family, adoption, government-and-politics, federal-government, australia
| UpdatedThe Federal Government sets up a parliamentary inquiry into the Racial Discrimination Act to determine whether it imposes unreasonable limits on free speech and to recommend whether the law should be changed.
Topics: laws, rights, law-crime-and-justice, race-relations, government-and-politics, federal-government, federal-parliament, australia
| UpdatedThe Human Rights Commission hits back at claims it is mishandling complaints under the Racial Discrimination Act, confirming it had no involvement with a controversial court case against Queensland University of Technology students.
Topics: courts-and-trials, law-crime-and-justice, government-and-politics, federal-government, community-and-society, brisbane-4000, australia
| UpdatedPrime Minister Malcolm Turnbull strongly indicates Cabinet will sign off on a joint parliamentary inquiry into freedom of speech and issues relating to the Racial Discrimination Act.
Topics: federal-government, government-and-politics, laws, race-relations, australia
| UpdatedMalcolm Turnbull indicates he will not stand in the way of an inquiry into freedom of speech, as he faces growing calls from his own backbench for changes to the Racial Discrimination Act.
Topics: race-relations, discrimination, federal-parliament, federal-government, turnbull-malcolm, australia
| UpdatedDocuments obtained under Freedom of Information reveal the Finance Department advised the Government not to allow Bob Day to relocate his electorate office from the Adelaide CBD to a building he owned in Kent Town.
Topics: parliament, government-and-politics, federal-parliament, australia
| UpdatedThe Federal Government's planned changes to paid parental leave are thrown into doubt as the Nick Xenophon Team confirms it will not support the proposal in its current form.
Topics: government-and-politics, federal-government, parenting, budget, australia
| UpdatedTreasurer Scott Morrison declares it's a "crying shame" that thousands of welfare recipients in Australia would have to "take a pay cut" if they got a job.
Topics: government-and-politics, federal-government, scott-morrison, community-and-society, welfare, australia
| UpdatedWe explain the Government's latest plan to change Paid Parental Leave, which after three attempts would save the Government much less money but still leave tens of thousands of families worse off.
Topics: government-and-politics, federal-government, parenting, australia
| UpdatedOutgoing Solicitor-General Justin Gleeson refuses to answer more than 100 questions from a Liberal senator, arguing he considers them "an attack" and they imply a "deficiency" in the evidence he gave to a Senate committee.
Topics: law-crime-and-justice, government-and-politics, federal-government, australia
| UpdatedThe Federal Government declares the expectations on dole recipients are "miserably low" as it moves to impose tighter obligations on jobseekers.
Topics: community-and-society, welfare, government-and-politics, federal-government, australia