Retired Wallaby Andrew Walker puts his hand up to come out of retirement to play for the injury-hit Brumbies if they want him.

Australia's biggest lender, Commonwealth Bank, unveils a record first-half profit of $4.9 billion, up 6 per cent on the previous record.

Australia's political leaders swap insults as they continue to debate how to fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme, with Malcolm Turnbull criticising Bill Shorten's "triple train wreck of an interview" on the ABC's AM program. Follow live.

Adam Voges officially calls time on his Test career, leaving the game with the second best average in the game's history, behind only Don Bradman.

Financial distress is affecting a huge number of Australians and the slightest wind could spell catastrophe for households, David Taylor writes.

Dementia is set to cost Australia an estimated $18 billion a year by 2025, as Alzheimer's Australia calls for a national strategy to combat the disease.

Bushfires, floods and heatwaves are the new standard in Australia, leading climate scientists say, but they are growing fatigued explaining it to people who cannot accept it or have a vested interest that means they do not want to.

Shocking new videos showing workers being forced to simulate sex acts for not meeting sales targets have emerged as part of a $60 million class action against leading charity fundraiser Appco Group Australia.

Amongst the litany of miserable statistics in this year's Closing the Gap report, there is a standout exception: 30,000 Indigenous university graduates who have erased their employment gap. These are the success stories of the quiet revolution, writes Stan Grant.

A submission before the International Criminal Court argues that Australia's offshore immigration detention centres constitute a crime against humanity, and federal governments have attempted to avoid responsibility by contracting out the facilities.

Treasurer Scott Morrison is trying to save Australia's prized AAA credit rating, burdened by a $37 billion budget deficit, but one ratings agency is likely to deliver on its threat to cut our credit rating, writes Andrew Robertson.

As Australia prepares to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the fall of Singapore, it's hard not to recognise how the pivotal WWII loss marked the rise of the US-Australia strategic relationship.

AOC chief John Coates raises the stakes in stoush between powerful sporting bodies, informing AIS director Matt Favier he will not be part of 2020 Olympics planning.

Seventy-five years after the Bangka Island massacre, relatives and officials will come together to remember the 21 nurses slaughtered.

The new Super Netball comp is a fresh start for the game in Australia, and for Paige Hadley, it offers a chance for redemption after a rough year.

Mark Hamburger isn't your typical pro athlete. But the American pitcher who took Australian baseball by storm this summer might just hold the key to the sport's success Down Under.

Five-time Paralympian and disability advocate Kurt Fearnley criticises the Federal Government's decision to cut funding to other social services to fund the National Disability Insurance Scheme.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull tables the Close the Gap report which again shows slow progress to improve the health and wealth of Indigenous Australians.

Australia has promised to close the gap between Indigenous and other Australians on health, education and employment. But we are failing to meet six of seven key goals.

Newly independent senator Cory Bernardi is on a crusade to "clean up Canberra", urging Parliament to crack down on entitlements for retired prime ministers who have only served a single term.

Shane Watson admits he struggled to work out how to best use the DRS, and struggled with the "mental aspect" of his frequent LBW dismissals.

Victoria emerges victorious from a tense National Indigenous Cricket Championship final, narrowly beating New South Wales by 18 runs.

The ABC's Fact Check unit is back in business as a collaboration with the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology, after being closed in 2016 due to budget cuts.

Jeff Horn's dream fight with Manny Pacquiao is up in the air with the Filipino boxing great's tweets casting doubt over the mooted Brisbane bout.
