Trump's America

Donald Trump's Secretary of State nominee, Rex Tillerson, confirmed by US Senate

Updated February 02, 2017 08:02:04

The US Senate has confirmed President Donald Trump's pick for Secretary of State, former oil executive Rex Tillerson.

Key points:

  • Republicans side-step Democrat attempts to block confirmation of Trump cabinet picks.
  • Committee approves Jeff Sessions nomination for attorney general
  • Democrats cross party lines to back Rex Tillerson as secretary of state

Requiring only a simple majority to be confirmed, Senators voted 56-43 largely along party lines to approve Mr Tillerson's nomination to be the nation's chief diplomat.

Most Senate Democrats opposed the nomination of Mr Tillerson, angering Republicans who considered the former Exxon Mobil CEO to be highly qualified for the post.

Senator Ben Cardin, the Foreign Relations Committee's top Democrat, said he feared Mr Tillerson would be a "yes man" and would not be able to prevent Mr Trump from pursuing a misguided foreign policy that leads the country "on a march of folly".

Mr Tillerson's ties to Russia and his stand on sanctioning Moscow have also been contentious, but Republicans had the numbers to push the nomination through and got help from several Democrats who crossed party lines.

Earlier, Republicans muscled through committee approval of Mr Trump's nominees for Treasury and Health, suspending a key Senate rule in the latest escalation of partisan tensions in Congress.

Democrats boycotted a Finance Committee meeting and Republicans responded by temporarily scuttling a rule requiring at least one Democrat to be present for votes, clearing them for confirmation in the full Senate.

The committee then approved Georgia Congressman Tom Price to become Health Secretary and financier Steve Mnuchin to be Treasury Secretary by a pair of 14-0 votes.

Democrats had been demanding time to ask more questions about both nominees, saying there were unresolved issues about both nominees' financial backgrounds.

The Senate Judiciary Committee also approved the nomination of Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama to be Attorney-General.

Democrats scuttled a planned vote on Tuesday in the wake of Mr Trump's decision to fire acting Attorney-General Sally Yates.

Several Democrats said they had no confidence Mr Sessions would be able to stand up to Mr Trump.

Delaying Trump's picks one of Democrats' few weapons

The approvals came as tension built among congressional Republicans and Democrats over Mr Trump's executive order on immigrants and refugees.

With liberal groups pressing them to fight Mr Trump on a number of issues, Democrats tried to use delaying tactics on his nominees — one of their limited weapons as the congressional minority to hamper the GOP.

Democrats said there were unresolved questions about the financial backgrounds of Mr Price and Mr Mnuchin.

In the role of Secretary of Health, Mr Price would lead Republican efforts to erase former president Barack Obama's healthcare overhaul.

What is Obamacare?

  • Affordable Care Act was passed by Congress in 2010
  • Promised to help tens of millions of uninsured Americans get health coverage
  • Under the plan, people can buy cheap insurance on
  • Most coverage will cost less than $US100 per month
  • Policies vary according to person's income, location, family size and level of coverage desired
  • More than 10 million people now have medical cover under the laws
  • Number of uninsured adults reduced by 26 per cent

Democrats cited a report that officials of an Australian biomed company said Mr Price received a special offer to buy their stock at a reduced cost, despite his congressional testimony that the offer was available to all investors.

Democrats also said a bank run by Mr Mnuchin used a process for handling home foreclosures that critics have associated with fraud.

Democrats in the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee have boycotted a vote on Scott Pruitt, Oklahoma's state attorney general, who is in line to lead the Environmental Protection Agency.

In his current position, Mr Pruitt has frequently sued the agency he hopes to lead, including in a multi-state lawsuit opposing the Obama administration's plan to limit planet-warming carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants.

Like Mr Trump, he has cast doubt on the extensive body of scientific evidence showing that the planet is warming and man-made carbon emissions are to blame.

Pressed by Democrats in his Senate confirmation hearing in January, however, Mr Pruitt said he disagreed with Mr Trump's earlier claims that global warming is a hoax created by the Chinese to harm the economic competitiveness of the United States.


Topics: donald-trump, us-elections, government-and-politics, climate-change, united-states

First posted February 02, 2017 07:34:03