Trump's America

#SignedByTrump: US photographer writes Donald Trump's controversial quotes on women's bodies

Updated December 14, 2016 18:03:05

In an effort to draw attention to US President-elect Donald Trump's attitude towards women, one photographer has used the naked female body as a canvas for Mr Trump's most controversial quotes.

"No longer a 10", "A person who is very flat-chested is very hard to be a 10" and "Grab em' by the pussy" are just some of the quotes painted on women for the project.

Aria Watson, 18, a student in Oregon, created the series called #SignedByTrump for her final project in a photography class.

When pitching the idea to her professor, she was told by the time the final was due Mr Trump would not be relevant anymore because "Hillary was obviously going to win".

"Fast forward a few weeks and Donald Trump won," Ms Watson said in a video explaining her project.

Ms Watson admits she "never really cared" about politics or previous elections, but this time it was different.

"I'm in that stage of trying to figure out who I am. So far all I really know is that I am a feminist."

Like many, she took to Facebook to voice her dislike for Mr Trump and how he speaks about women, but the online backlash she attracted became overwhelming.

"I had family members telling me I was disrespecting my elders, I had really good friends tell me I was a bitch and hot-headed.

"All these comments made me realise that posting a Facebook status is not going to do anything, it's not going to change anyone's mind.

"There was no good coming of it… but at the same time I not only wanted my opinions heard but also the opinions of millions of other people who feel the same as me."

So Ms Watson turned to photography to tell the world how she felt about Mr Trump.

'We are stronger together'

After Mr Trump won the election, Ms Watson knew her professor was wrong and these photos would mean something.

She is not convinced her images will change anyone's opinion but she hopes "some people realise what kind of man he is".

The photo collection has gained enormous traction and support, which reassured Ms Watson she was not alone in her feelings.

"There are thousands and even millions of people who feel exactly the same way I feel," she said.

"Although it's not a good feeling and I wish none of us had to feel like this, it's good that we're not alone."

Ms Watson says she does not know how Mr Trump will be president, but "that's our reality and we have to come together because we are stronger together".

Both Facebook and Twitter removed Ms Watson's photos due to nudity so they can now be found on Tumblr.

Topics: women, us-elections, united-states

First posted December 14, 2016 16:55:13