Trump's America

US election: What can we expect from Jeff Sessions as attorney-general under Donald Trump?

Posted November 19, 2016 13:18:15

Jeff Sessions has been named as America's next attorney-general. The firebrand senator from Alabama will be one of the most influential figures in the coming Trump administration.

Who is he?

Senator Sessions is a former Alabama attorney-general and US attorney. He's been in the Senate for 19 years.

He was going to become a federal judge in 1986, but allegations that he made racist remarks led the Senate to deny his confirmation.

Senator Sessions was one of the earliest Republican lawmakers to support Trump's White House candidacy. His tough and sometimes inflammatory statements on immigration have reflected Mr Trump's own.

What does he believe?

Senator Sessions opposes any path to citizenship for illegal immigrants. He backed Mr Trump's promise to build a wall on the border with Mexico.

He also argued for curbs on legal immigration on the grounds that it drives down wages for US workers.

What will he be responsible for as attorney-general?

As attorney-general, Senator Sessions will be America's chief law enforcement officer and head of the Justice Department.

What does this mean for Hillary Clinton?

During their second presidential debate, Donald Trump told his Democratic rival in relation to the investigations into her use of a private email server as secretary of state, as well as donations to the Clinton Foundation:

If I win, I am going to instruct my attorney-general to get a special prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception.

The man who will now be that attorney-general defended Mr Trump's comments at the time, telling CNN: "You do not use the secretary of state position to benefit your private foundation."

But it remains uncertain whether Mr Trump will follow through on his comments.

When asked in his first television interview as President-elect whether he would seek a special prosecutor, Mr Trump told 60 Minutes America, "I'm going to think about it."

What does this mean for the Senate?

Senator Sessions is likely to be confirmed by the Senate despite heavy resistance from Democrats. That's because the Republicans will control a majority, with at least 51 seats in the 100-seat chamber, when the Senate reconvenes in January.

If Senator Sessions is confirmed, he'll need to be replaced in the Senate.

The Republicans shouldn't be down a vote in the absence of Senator Sessions, however. The Alabama Governor (currently a Republican) gets to choose who will be the interim replacement and when an election for the seat will be held.

It's worth noting that Alabama voted heavily for Mr Trump during the election, with the Republicans getting 63 per cent of the vote compared to 35 per cent for the Democrats.


Topics: us-elections, world-politics, united-states