Fall of Singapore anniversary: How a military defeat changed Australia

Posted February 14, 2017 17:13:22

The fall of Singapore ushered in years of horror for Australian prisoners of war Video: The fall of Singapore ushered in years of horror for Australian prisoners of war (ABC News)

The Australia-US relationship has had its challenges of late, with the decades-old alliance potentially at risk after THAT phone call between Donald Trump and Malcolm Turnbull.

But an important national commemoration this week will provide a reminder of how the two countries forged their lasting partnership in the first place.

February 15 marks the 75th anniversary of the fall of Singapore in World War II. It also effectively marks the rise of the US-Australia strategic relationship. More on that later.

What was the lead-up?

Let us first go back to the dark days of January 1942. The Pacific War is weeks old and the Imperial Japanese Army is on the move.

Having launched their attack on Thailand and Malaya on the same day as Pearl Harbour, Japanese forces are steadily fighting their way towards the big British naval base in Singapore.

Audio: Remembering some of the worst of the Pacific War - the Fall of Singapore (Nightlife)

Standing in their way is a collection of battle-weary British, Australian and Indian troops. They were to stand no chance against a decisive and well-organised enemy.

Almost 700 Australian troops were killed in the intense fighting on the Malayan peninsula. On January 31, the allied forces withdrew across the causeway linking Malaya and Singapore.

The battle for Singapore was about to begin.

What happened at Singapore?

The British Army was convinced the Japanese assault would come from the sea, to the south of the island, and had fortified its coastal defences accordingly.

It was to be fatal miscalculation. On February 8, Japanese forces streamed in to Singapore across the narrow Straits of Jahore, on the island's north-west.

The Australian defenders were spread too thinly and were quickly forced back by wave after wave of Japanese invaders.

By February 13, the allied perimeter had shrunk to a 40km line around Singapore City itself. Water supplies were running low and the city's one million residents were suffering constant Japanese bombardment.

Late in the day on February 15, 1942, with no options left, British commander Lieutenant-General Arthur Percival raised the white flag.

Controversially, the Australian commander, Lieutenant-General Gordon Bennett, escaped Singapore by boat on the night of the surrender and eventually returned home.

Britain's wartime prime minister, Winston Churchill, called the fall of Singapore "the worst disaster and the greatest capitulation in British history".

But for the 130,000 allied troops taken prisoner, including 15,000 Australians, there was worse to come. Much worse.

What happened to the prisoners?

They were to spend the rest of the war enduring starvation and brutality as POWs.

In the days after the surrender the prisoners were marched across the city to Singapore's notorious Changi camp. Later, the emaciated captives were farmed out to labour camps across Asia, notably the hellish Thai-Burma railway.

In the words of one POW, the railway construction looked like a scene from Dante's Inferno. POWs were also sent to Japan itself.

The war years were also to prove an ordeal for the POW's families back in Australia, most of whom had no idea whether their loved ones would survive.

Of the 22,000 Australians taken prisoner by the Japanese in WWII, 8,000 never came home. Those who did would bear physical and mental scars for the rest of their lives.

How could such a loss occur?

For decades after the war there was finger-pointing galore over just who was to blame for the fall of Singapore.

Was it poor British defence planning? Or flawed battle strategy on the ground? Or was it simply the Japanese were too strong?

In early 1993, a British wartime report surfaced, blaming the catastrophic defeat on indisciplined and cowardly Australian soldiers.

In a furious retort, then prime minister Paul Keating said the claims were "beyond the bounds of decency and credibility", and made it clear Britain itself was responsible for "its most humiliating debacle".

In an earlier parliamentary assault, Mr Keating described Britain as "a country which decided not to defend the Malayan peninsula, not to worry about Singapore and not to give us our troops back to keep ourselves free of Japanese domination".

What was the political fallout?

The fall of Singapore, commemorated each year by an ever-dwindling number of survivors, effectively marked the point when Australia reconsidered its colonial relationship with Britain and looked increasingly towards the US for its future protection.

Just weeks earlier, in his new year's address for 1942, prime minister John Curtin pointed to this shifting allegiance:

"Without any inhibitions of any kind, I make it clear that Australia looks to America, free of any pangs to our traditional links or kinship with the United Kingdom."

Australia was looking even harder in America's direction when, just four days after the Singapore surrender, Japanese war planes bombed Darwin. The threat of invasion was suddenly very real.

The fall of Singapore was a military defeat that ushered in years of horror for Australian prisoners of war.

It was also a capitulation with profound strategic consequences.

Topics: world-war-2, unrest-conflict-and-war, singapore, australia