Young people overcome challenges to record Sounds of the Street album

Updated February 15, 2017 14:39:46

Putting together an album of original music is a huge task for any artist, so imagine doing it while facing mental health challenges, substance abuse, homelessness or family violence.

Thirteen young people in Sydney have spent almost six months composing, recording and mixing 26 of their own tracks and in the process they have achieved a TAFE qualification in music.

The young people just finished Mission Australia's Sounds of the Street program and launched their album Mess in front of family and friends.

A mess is far from what it is — instead it is the sound of their stories and a recording of their recovery.

The performers tell us what the album means to them.

Wilson Giles, 18, had been in and out of hospital with bipolar and depression.

"[The diagnosis] was really out of the blue for me and my family, it developed really quickly and it was really quite toxic," Wilson said.

Wilson had always found making music cathartic, so his psychologist suggested he join the Surry Hills program.

"First of all, in the most simple way it was a place to be and that was important, a place to get up and go to, and not only that it was a place to do what I love — music," he said.

"At the album launch my brother came up to me and was like 'Will, I'm going to start collecting your CDs now' — I think that's the best encouragement that anybody has ever given me and it's great to have that support."

Jhylea Smith, 23, was homeless and abusing drugs and alcohol before she joined the music program, but she is now living in a refuge and has been clean for 16 days.

"This program has changed my life because I was rocking up intoxicated and stuff and they didn't kick me out," Jhylea said.

"They were really supportive and just helped me grow as a person.

"I'm not so angry anymore, I'm happier and I look forward to going to class."

Christian Farrugia attempted suicide and was suffering from panic attacks during his final year of school.

He had always been interested in writing, recording and performing music, so collaborating with this group has helped him enormously.

"It's just a whole bunch of people who are just like me, so it makes me feel comfortable to express my opinions and express my feelings and they're all really supportive," Christian said.

"I feel like music is a way of expressing myself — I like to share it with people because I feel other people can connect to it."

Sounds of the Street Coordinator Liz Martin said she was "constantly blown away" by the quality of music created by young people in the program.

"For a lot of the students [making an album] is the first real thing that they achieve and that they complete that they're proud of," Ms Martin said.

"They grow, they get confident, they learn to say what they like and what they don't like, where they want things to go, they learn to communicate, ask for help — it's a very positive environment."

Ms Martin said a lot of the students have been dealing with "very tricky challenges".

"Here they get to share some of that stuff, meet other people going through a similar experience, not feel so isolated and make connections with each other — that's pretty beautiful to see."

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Topics: education, music, community-and-society, youth, mental-health, sydney-2000, nsw

First posted February 15, 2017 13:59:42