World News


  1. Keeping up with the Kims

    Who is who in North Korea's ruling dynasty

  2. Flynn's high profile failings

    Michael Flynn's resignation follows the Obama administration relieving him of his position as Defence Intelligence chief for insubordination.

  3. 'No future for these kids'

    The six years of Syria's war is taking its toll, with the children living in the country's refugee camps struggling to get a proper education.

  4. Trump's crushing handshake

    America will remain strong so long as its leader keeps challenging others to resist his creepy, crushing handshake, writes Ben Pobjie.

  5. Fall of Singapore

    Remembering the pivotal WWII loss that marked the rise of the US-Australia strategic relationship.

  6. Massacre remembered

    Relatives and officials come together to remember the 22 nurses slaughtered in the Bangka Island massacre of World War II.

  7. Aleppo denials disputed

    A report rebuts Russian and Syrian claims that civilians were not deliberately targeted in the final attack on rebel-held Aleppo.

  8. Revenge of the immigrant

    The stories of Donald Trump, Alexander Hamilton and Lin Manuel Miranda intertwine more than you think, writes Sara James.

  9. Chinese influence in PNG

    With China lending PNG hundreds of millions of dollars for projects, Australia's defence and diplomatic communities are uneasy.

  10. North Korea condemned

    The latest missile test is a "hello" from Pyongyang to Donald Trump, says South Korean analyst.

  11. Thailand's gun obsession

    Thailand's national Children's Day has come to represent a celebration of the country's military, but not everyone is on board.

  12. UK 'vegetable crisis'

    The rain in Spain is largely to blame for a "vegetable crisis" in UK supermarkets, with some prices soaring 300 per cent.

  13. Can Trump beat the courts?

    The courts are difficult institutions for a President to change, but Donald Trump does have some chance, according to a former Bush speechwriter.

  14. Trump tweets for breakfast

    The President's Twitter feed is a wake-up call like no other writes Washington bureau chief Zoe Daniel.

  15. Souza's Trump slights

    Followers of Pete Souza's Instagram account point out that the former White House photographer may be taking a dig at Donald Trump.

  1. Mourners remember Ruby-Anne Laufa

    Papua New Guineans are in mourning after the shock death of a revered former Miss PNG winner and beloved community figure.

    Ruby-Anne Laufa, 24, was completing the final year of her law degree before her death on Saturday.

  1. Whales popped 'like balloons'

    New Zealand authorities commence the clean-up of whales beached on Golden Bay.

  2. Quake strikes Philippines

    At least eight people are dead after a powerful earthquake strikes in the southern Philippines.

  3. Jakarta prepares for governor

    More than 20,000 officers will be deployed across Jakarta as the Indonesian capital go to the polls.

  4. 'First time' Pacific flooding

    Heavy rains have battered the South Pacific region, causing flooding from Papua New Guinea to Samoa.