Holden sends $150 million back to General Motors in Detroit as closure looms

Holden is returning $150 million in capital to its parent General Motors in Detroit as it prepares to wind down local ...
Holden is returning $150 million in capital to its parent General Motors in Detroit as it prepares to wind down local car making.

The local operations of General Motors Holden are returning $150 million in capital to United States parent General Motors in Detroit, as the company prepares to stop making cars after more than 60 years at its plant in northern Adelaide.

Local directors of GM Holden say the return of capital to the $77 billion automotive giant in the US "will not prejudice" the local arm's ability to pay its creditors and other debts.

The restructuring of the GM Holden balance sheet comes as the approach to automotive manufacturing in both the United States and Australia are in marked contrast, as new US President Donald Trump demands car makers invest more in local production in the US as part of his "America First" approach.

General Motors executives including chief executive Mary Barra told a Deutsche Bank Global Auto Industry Conference on January 10 they had made "bold decisions" on revamping the GM global footprint in countries including Australia to improve the parent company's overall return on investment.

GM Holden first announced in late December 2013, that it intended to close down as a car maker in Australia. It revealed on January 13 this year the specific date of final production at its assembly line at Elizabeth in Adelaide would be October 20.

The details of the capital return by the local corporate entity to its Detroit-based parent are contained in a document lodged with the Australian Securities and Investments Commission. The General Motors Holden Australia Ltd document stated that the reason for the proposal capital reduction was "to provide a return of capital" to General Motors Holdings LLC. That entity is one of the Detroit-based subsidiaries of the General Motors parent, which is listed on the New York Stock Exchange.

"This equates to a capital return of approximately $1,500,000 on each of the 100 shares issued in the company," it said.

A spokesman for General Motors Holden said the capital return was "part of normal, ongoing financial management".

Ford shut down its Australian manufacturing operations at Broadmeadows in outer Melbourne in late 2016, while Toyota is also preparing to close down its car making operations at Altona in Melbourne's west in 2017. This will leave Australia without a car manufacturing industry. Local buyers have already been voting with their feet, with a huge shift toward purchasing Sports Utility Vehicles, which now make up almost 40 per cent of all new vehicles sold in Australia. None of the local car makers manufactured an SUV.

Holden has about 1000  still working at its Elizabeth plant but has been progressively cutting the workforce as manufacturing of the Holden Cruze model stopped and other restructuring was pursued. About 700 workers have left the plant since 2015.

New Federal Industry Minister Arthur Sinodinos says new industries will take the place of dying industries . The decision in late 2013 by former prime minister Tony Abbott and treasurer Joe Hockey to end decades of taxpayer-funded subsidies to the car industry was vehemently opposed by the federal Labor opposition and unions.
